info Overview
Name - What is Jordan Alvarez’s full name?

Jordan Alvarez

Gender - What is Jordan Alvarez’s gender?


Role - What is Jordan Alvarez’s role in your story?

boxer and fighter; major char

Other names - What other aliases does Jordan Alvarez go by?

"The Dragon"

Age - How old is Jordan Alvarez?


face Looks
Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jordan Alvarez have?

tattoo with motivational phrase
scars, bruises, and a broken nose from boxing

Height - How tall is Jordan Alvarez?

5' 4"

Hair Color - What color is Jordan Alvarez’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Jordan Alvarez style their hair?

long and loose, wavy curls

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Jordan Alvarez have?


Eye Color - What is Jordan Alvarez’s eye color?

dark brown

Skin Tone

light brown

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Jordan Alvarez have?

overlooks others flaws

Talents - What talents does Jordan Alvarez have?

attuned to people's feelings

Hobbies - What hobbies does Jordan Alvarez have?

wacky conspiracy theories

Personality type - What personality type is Jordan Alvarez?

opens up quickly and easily, but quick to avenge those who've wronged her or her friends, fiercely loyal
type O blood, universal donor

Motivations - What motivates Jordan Alvarez most?

fears: being alone
wants to be liked

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Jordan Alvarez have?

hides food in the science lab so she can visit Alex
practices her ballet moves when no one is watching
jokes when she's nervous
tends to overshare, not always know what is pertinent information
can be clingy; hangs out with Tay A LOT after they took her with them

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Jordan Alvarez’s favorite animal?


Religion - What religion does Jordan Alvarez practice?

Catholic as a kid, but abandoned it with the aliens
saw God as aliens? aliens as God?

Occupation - What is Jordan Alvarez’s occupation?

gymnast, fighter

Favorite color - What is Jordan Alvarez’s favorite color?

yellow, like daffodils

Favorite food - What is Jordan Alvarez’s favorite food?

french fries with cheese and bacon

Favorite possession - What is Jordan Alvarez’s favorite possession?

cross necklace from her abuela, even though she doesn't practice

Favorite weapon - What is Jordan Alvarez’s favorite weapon?

her fists

info History
Education - What is Jordan Alvarez’s level of education?

barely finished high school and started in the boxing scene

Birthday - When is Jordan Alvarez’s birthday?


Background - What is Jordan Alvarez’s background?

learned ballet as a kid
parents died in a fire when she was a toddler; believed aliens took them until she got older (8) lived with her abuela
started boxing as a job, got better during high school, joined minor league boxing ring run by covert drug lord, ran up the ranks
finally left when she had to be protected against drug lord who was using the boxing ring to distribute drugs
joined FBI after that
left FBI because bureaucracy was hell

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Jordan Alvarez have?

a chinchilla when she was young, bought by abuela to "replace" her parents

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes


folder_open Abilities

control light/darkness
can block light in a certain area, or create light in a certain place
can see in all brightnesses



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Character chevron_right Friends link linked Jordan Alvarez

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Jordan Alvarez

This character was created by Liz A S on

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