info Overview
Name - What is Bradley Grimes’s full name?

Bradley Grimes

Other names - What other aliases does Bradley Grimes go by?

Jack Riley, Brad

Gender - What is Bradley Grimes’s gender?


Age - How old is Bradley Grimes?




Role - What is Bradley Grimes’s role in your story?

Thief, adventurer, and lovable asshole

face Looks
Race - What is Bradley Grimes’s race?


Height - How tall is Bradley Grimes?


Hair Color - What color is Bradley Grimes’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Bradley Grimes style their hair?

Crew cut

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Bradley Grimes have?

Stubbley to beard

Eye Color - What is Bradley Grimes’s eye color?

Bright blue

Skin Tone

Light tan

Body Type

Muscular, broad-shouldered

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Bradley Grimes have?

Body covered in scars. Most notable is his slit-throat

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
info History
Birthday - When is Bradley Grimes’s birthday?

January 1

Background - What is Bradley Grimes’s background?

Bradley Grimes, originally born as Jack Riley to Keagan Riley and Allison Barlow, was given up for adoption not long after his birth. His parents were young and not financially able to care for him, so they gave him away to have a better life. He was adopted eventually by Nolan Grimes and Lani Porter, and was raised in his adoptive mother's hometown in Hawaii. He was renamed to "Bradley Grimes". He loved his home in Hawaii, enjoying being so close to nature and animals all the time. His father, whom happened to be a Seattle native, often would travel with his son on business trips back to his hometown in Washington. It gave Brad a chance to live in both rural and urban settings, which he honestly enjoyed and was glad to be able to have growing up.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Bradley Grimes have?

Slime-Man the frog
George the tarantula
Bounty the Australian cattle/shepherd dog mix
And the list keeps growing he loves animals very much

history Changelog
edit Notes

Faceclaim(s): Chris Hemsworth, young Harrison Ford, Paul Newman
Fun Facts:
-Is a huge liar
-Was once a marine but became dishonorably discharged
-His real name, Jack Riley, is actually what my brother was going to be named when born but it was changed at last second
-Has a lot of unending guilt he'll never talk about

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This character was created by Rem Katansky on

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