info Overview
Name - What is Arinya Slaeden’s full name?

Arinya Slaeden

Role - What is Arinya Slaeden’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Arinya Slaeden go by?


Gender - What is Arinya Slaeden’s gender?


Age - How old is Arinya Slaeden?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Arinya Slaeden weigh?


Hair Color - What color is Arinya Slaeden’s hair?

Prussian blue

Hair Style - How does Arinya Slaeden style their hair?

Down, shoulder length

Eye Color - What is Arinya Slaeden’s eye color?


Race - What is Arinya Slaeden’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Arinya Slaeden have?

She often makes her voice louder around people she dislikes, and makes it quieter around people she wishes to impress

Motivations - What motivates Arinya Slaeden most?


Flaws - What flaws does Arinya Slaeden have?

Overworker, over critical, over everything

Personality type - What personality type is Arinya Slaeden?

Rude, critical


Overthinking(if that counts)

groups Social
Occupation - What is Arinya Slaeden’s occupation?

Student with two part time jobs

Favorite color - What is Arinya Slaeden’s favorite color?

Pale emerald

Favorite possession - What is Arinya Slaeden’s favorite possession?

Her notebook

Favorite weapon - What is Arinya Slaeden’s favorite weapon?


Job - What job does Arinya Slaeden have?

Intern at a lawyer firm

date_range History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Arinya is a ace-aro overworked/overachiever who is definitely the favourite child. Her favourite colour is pale emerald, and she never tries to hide her beliefs that she is superior to most, if not all, of those around her. Her sister believes she only wants to make her parents proud, but Arinya does nothing for no-one.


This character was created by Auri on

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