info Overview
Name - What is Temple of the Deity of Autumn's name?

Temple of the Deity of Autumn

Description - How would you describe Temple of the Deity of Autumn?

An ancient temple ruins, said to be haunted by the spirits of those slain upon its altar.

Type of building - What kind of building is Temple of the Deity of Autumn?


recent_actors Occupants
Capacity - How many people can Temple of the Deity of Autumn hold?


format_paint Design
Walls - What kind of walls does Temple of the Deity of Autumn have? What color? What material?


extension Purpose
Bedrooms - How many bedrooms does Temple of the Deity of Autumn have?


Zone - What is Temple of the Deity of Autumn zoned as?


location_on Location
Address - What is Temple of the Deity of Autumn's address?


date_range History
store_mall_directory Neighborhood
Crime rate - What's the crime rate near Temple of the Deity of Autumn?


attach_money Financial
Value - How much is Temple of the Deity of Autumn worth?


pool Amenities
Heating - What kind of air heating system does Temple of the Deity of Autumn have?


edit Notes

This building was created by SapphireMoondancer on

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