info Overview
Name - What is Finer Things's name?

Finer Things

Description - How would you describe Finer Things?

Shop that deals in rare finds and bespoke crafts. They also run a stall in the Market.

Type of building - What kind of building is Finer Things?


recent_actors Occupants
Owner - Who owns Finer Things?


Affiliation - What groups or organizations is Finer Things affiliated with?


Capacity - How many people can Finer Things hold?

Less than 50 that's for damn sure.

format_paint Design
extension Purpose
location_on Location
Address - What is Finer Things's address?

On the Coffinmarch, right near the City of the Dead.

date_range History
store_mall_directory Neighborhood
Neighborhood name - What is the name of the neighborhood Finer Things is in?

Trades Ward

pool Amenities
attach_money Financial
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Role link mentioned Finer Things

This building was created by Tafkae on

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