info Overview
Name - What is Corftey Fort's name?

Corftey Fort

Description - How would you describe Corftey Fort?

The castle in the central of Icebell. Six strong, square towers tower above all, they're linked with small bridges and are connected by lower, narrow walls made of red stone. Refined windows are scattered thinly around the walls in fairly symmetrical patterns, along with symmetric holes for archers and artillery. A huge grate with large metal doors, a regular bridge and large crenellations guards the only easy way across the river.

Type of building - What kind of building is Corftey Fort?


recent_actors Occupants
Owner - Who owns Corftey Fort?

Hipolito Leiva

Tenants - Who lives or works in Corftey Fort?

Emil Afolayan

Affiliation - What groups or organizations is Corftey Fort affiliated with?

Ruzia Empire

Capacity - How many people can Corftey Fort hold?

176 people max

Price - How much does it cost to enter or upkeep Corftey Fort?


format_paint Design
Architectural style - What style of architecture is Corftey Fort?


Facade - What does the outside of Corftey Fort look like?


Dimensions - How big is Corftey Fort?

450 ft. X 450 ft.

Floor count - How many floors are there in Corftey Fort?

5 floors

Roof - What kind of roof does Corftey Fort have?


Square feet - How many square feet is Corftey Fort?

1,012,500 sq. ft.

Windows - How many windows does Corftey Fort have? What kind of windows? In which rooms?


extension Purpose
Purpose - Why does Corftey Fort exist? What is it for?

To maintain the Ruzia Empire

Permits - What permits does Corftey Fort have?

Housing license

Zone - What is Corftey Fort zoned as?


Is this building a shop?


date_range History
Construction time - How long did it take to build Corftey Fort?


store_mall_directory Neighborhood
Neighborhood name - What is the name of the neighborhood Corftey Fort is in?


Stereotype - What is the stereotype of people who live or work near Corftey Fort?


attach_money Financial
Last sale price - How much did Corftey Fort's previous owner sell it for?


pool Amenities
Parking - What parking is available to Corftey Fort?


Cooling - What kind of air cooling system does Corftey Fort have?


Walkability - How walkable is Corftey Fort to nearby points of interest?


edit Notes

This building was created by SapphireMoondancer on

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