info Overview
Name - What is Bad Spring Café's name?

Bad Spring Café

Description - How would you describe Bad Spring Café?

A cute café in Icebell.

Type of building - What kind of building is Bad Spring Café?


recent_actors Occupants
Owner - Who owns Bad Spring Café?

Haifaa Al-hamed

Tenants - Who lives or works in Bad Spring Café?


Affiliation - What groups or organizations is Bad Spring Café affiliated with?
Capacity - How many people can Bad Spring Café hold?

16 people max

Price - How much does it cost to enter or upkeep Bad Spring Café?


format_paint Design
Architectural style - What style of architecture is Bad Spring Café?

Ancient Egyptian

Facade - What does the outside of Bad Spring Café look like?


Dimensions - How big is Bad Spring Café?

61.2 ft. X 80.2 ft.

Floor count - How many floors are there in Bad Spring Café?

3 floors

Roof - What kind of roof does Bad Spring Café have?


Square feet - How many square feet is Bad Spring Café?

14,724.72 sq. ft.

Flooring - What kind of flooring does Bad Spring Café have?


Walls - What kind of walls does Bad Spring Café have? What color? What material?


Windows - How many windows does Bad Spring Café have? What kind of windows? In which rooms?


extension Purpose
Purpose - Why does Bad Spring Café exist? What is it for?

To eat

Permits - What permits does Bad Spring Café have?

Business license

Bedrooms - How many bedrooms does Bad Spring Café have?




location_on Location
Address - What is Bad Spring Café's address?

9641 Snowflake Lane

date_range History
Constructed year - When was Bad Spring Café built?

L.A. 835

Construction cost - How much did it cost to build Bad Spring Café?


Architect - Who designed Bad Spring Café?

Shireen Demon

Developer - Who was the developer that built Bad Spring Café?

Pia Acquarone

Notable events - What has happened in or around Bad Spring Café?

L.A. 5295: Flealy Temple is desecrated

Construction time - How long did it take to build Bad Spring Café?


store_mall_directory Neighborhood
Neighborhood name - What is the name of the neighborhood Bad Spring Café is in?


View - What is the view like from Bad Spring Café?


Stereotype - What is the stereotype of people who live or work near Bad Spring Café?


attach_money Financial
Value - How much is Bad Spring Café worth?


Last sale price - How much did Bad Spring Café's previous owner sell it for?


Monthly payments - What kind of monthly payments (mortgage, rent, upkeep, etc) do the owners of Bad Spring Café have to pay?


pool Amenities
Cooling - What kind of air cooling system does Bad Spring Café have?


Heating - What kind of air heating system does Bad Spring Café have?


Security - What kind of security system does Bad Spring Café have?


Walkability - How walkable is Bad Spring Café to nearby points of interest?


edit Notes

This building was created by SapphireMoondancer on

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