info Overview
Name - What is Lightsinger Theater's name?

Lightsinger Theater

Description - How would you describe Lightsinger Theater?

Listen close - you might learn something.

Type of building - What kind of building is Lightsinger Theater?


recent_actors Occupants
Tenants - Who lives or works in Lightsinger Theater?

Affiliation - What groups or organizations is Lightsinger Theater affiliated with?


format_paint Design

Ticketing / Lobby

  • Alcohol vendors - x3


General Admission


Private Boxes

Mirt's Private Box

Box 3 is reserved for Mirt. It's enchanted for secrecy and privacy - what's said in this box cannot leave this box.


  • Doors

extension Purpose
location_on Location
date_range History
store_mall_directory Neighborhood
Neighborhood name - What is the name of the neighborhood Lightsinger Theater is in?

Sea Ward

Crime rate - What's the crime rate near Lightsinger Theater?

Very low

Stereotype - What is the stereotype of people who live or work near Lightsinger Theater?

People who live in this area are rich as fuuuuuck

pool Amenities
attach_money Financial
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Role link mentioned Lightsinger Theater

Group chevron_right Offices link linked Lightsinger Theater

Character chevron_right Notes link mentioned Lightsinger Theater

Item chevron_right Notes link mentioned Lightsinger Theater

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