info Overview
Name - What is Abandoned House's name?

Abandoned House

Alternate names - What other names is Abandoned House known by?

Murder House
The Tragedy

Description - How would you describe Abandoned House?

Abandoned 3 story house.

Type of building - What kind of building is Abandoned House?


format_paint Design
Floor count - How many floors are there in Abandoned House?

  1. Main floor, Second floor, Attic, and a basement.

location_on Location
Address - What is Abandoned House's address?

616 Tottleberry Lane

extension Purpose
recent_actors Occupants
Owner - Who owns Abandoned House?

No one.

Tenants - Who lives or works in Abandoned House?
Capacity - How many people can Abandoned House hold?

At most, 5 people (if you count by how many beds there are to sleep in)

date_range History
Notable events - What has happened in or around Abandoned House?

1951 - Serial killer hid 14 bodies around the estate
1973 - A blood cult made the estate their headquarters. Possibly 20 killed on the premises.
2017 - Teenage boy commits suicide.
2019 - 6 teenagers brutally murdered.

edit Notes
store_mall_directory Neighborhood
attach_money Financial
pool Amenities

This building was created by Caelin Wonitoy on

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