forum Pass the Story!
Started by Audrey D

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As they walked, the woods around them darkened, almost as if they were in a completely different world. it was dead quiet


the man felt a tugging in his gut and could feel the pull of the place they were going. then suddenly twig stopped and said "wait, did you ever tell me your name?"

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“Nope. My name is Mc. Stuffins.” I answered confidently. My mother had taught me not to be ashamed of my name.

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Twig chuckled, and was soon full-out laughing. "that….is….ridiculous" he said beween gasps


"how… did… you…get… that… name?" twig gasped out of breath from his laughing fit and promptly sat on the forest floor to catch his breath


"ok.. well now that that's established i have to come up for a nickname for you since in twig" twig said while standing up "ill figure one out on the way" he added and spun away to start walking again


they laughed for a few minutes then recovered, chuckling and trading meaningless insults as the kept walking towards their destination. "so what should your nickname be…" twig faked rubbing his chin and thinking

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“I know!” The squire ejactulated, “It should be Dibbles!”
“Dibbles?” Twig asked. “EvEn bEtTeR!”

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The squire frowned. "hey, it was the name of my childhood hamster!"


"then it's going to be dibbles," twig said "well now that we figured all of that out, here we are!" "where's here exactly?" dibbles said looking all arround for wherever they were supposed to be


"nah, i'm just messing with you, here we are." twig said pulling away a branch to show a tunnel running under a line of trees. they walked through the tunnel and at the other side dibbles gasped at the sight that was before him.

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Ugly, in a beautiful sort of way. Dark mushrooms glistened from the ground in the shade of barren trees


Ugly in that weirdly pleasing way; everything was the same shade of brown, hints of gray and twinkling rocks littered the ground. Then the smell hit him.

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Bioluminescent mushrooms and noss were scattered around the grover. Dibbles (??) looked at twig
, “where are we”


Twig looked at dibbles with a disapproving face and said "this is my home, and your face is saying that you don't like it very much."

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Dibbles sighed “well duh, i thought you were a fae, not a vampire!” Twig gasped with horror “ take that back