forum Crazy Sci-FI Prompts
Started by @Cacklas group

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@Cacklas group

This one’s pretty self explanatory if you ask me. I’ll be creating some of the initial crazy prompts myself and if you’re attracted to a certain one, feel free to write about it!
Hell, maybe you can adopt the story born from the prompt as a WIP, I don’t mind.

Feel free to add more prompts if you want.

@Cacklas group

“The first spaceship to travel via wormhole technology has arrived at its destination: a planet in the outskirts of the Galaxy surrounded by three metal rings: Green, Yellow, and Red.
Its crew sends out a scout drone to examine the planet.
Contrary to the crew’s expectation, the planet was full of life. Not just any life: prehistoric life.
Dinosaurs, Pterosaurs, and many other archaic creatures roamed the planet like they were supposed to be there. But something even more bizarre caught the eye of the drone.
It was a man. A man wielding a sword and sculum riding a Torosaurus.
He was fighting alongside the rest of his kind against an armed militia riding atop a Quetzalcoatlus.
Before the crew knew it, Pillar Red had seen them and began to speak to them…”

@Cacklas group

“I admit. It’s pretty lonely when everyone else’s dead.
It all began on that lonely day. I was picked to become the Vox Deus by a group of scientists under the Cascadian Empire. How funny. They thought they could control the human soul with techniques beyond human control.
I don’t know if they were right or not, but it didn’t matter.
I wasn’t human. Not then and especially not now.
What happened to them? Well, I guess you should know by now.
They say that you only need two bombs to start a war. I figured out you only need one.
Oh well, that’s that.
The Earth’s pretty empty. Global Warming hasn’t been an issue since 2045, but it’s still pretty lonely here, being stuck in the Earth’s core and all.
I could blow this whole place to bits, but that would be boring.
I could rule the universe but that’d be too cliche.
Now that I think about it. The readings on this pod seem a whole lot warmer than the rest…”

@Cacklas group

“‘Everything’s gone.
Every last pinch of pain.
Every last drop of desire.
Earth’s been burned. Every last thing of value on the planet had been destroyed.’
That’s what’s been told anyway. It’s been several hundred years since the Incineration. People have moved on from that ball of moss and stone; I heard they’re starting to settle Tau Ceti V as of late.
But still, they’ve ignored Earth, and all the secrets that lay in it.
The Residium, the Goliaths; the Skymen.
All of them have been abandoned to history, I guess people don’t want to trigger another Incineration.
But as they say, sometimes the gains outweigh the pains.
They called me crazy, they called me mad. But traces of the Old Days remain on our birth planet, and I intend to capitalize on that.
This is 41826-C, I have landed on the planet Terra-1, and I have been vindicated. Look at the glorious sight that lays before us…