forum Super Smash Bros!
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people_alt 76 followers

@Katastrophic group

so, people who play smash, I have a problem. The friend I play with discovered a way to suicide kill with bowser, and now will only play bowser to do suicide me. I can't find away around getting grabbed with any character. The only time I escaped it was doing bayonetta's jump combo cause bowser died first, but I still only made it back to the stage once out of the dozens of times I've tried. It's getting really annoying cause if I get a life down the rest of the game is basically forfeit. Any tips or tricks with that?

@Becfromthedead group

My brother's a Bowser main and tries to do that stuff to me though, so I get it. It's kind of the worst. :(
It really does help to zone though- and Bowser is really easy to zone out. In smash 4, I mained as Marth and just kept him about a sword's length away.