Look, it's racist, sexist, homo/transphobic, steals from other cultures, is really uncreative, and honestly triggers me. If you like the show then I'd recommend not interacting but I can't stop you I guess. It triggers me and I just don't,,,, like it.
I mean, if anything, the show is the opposite of trans/homophobic? But they definitely harp on it a lot, which doesn’t exactly make it a good thing, just saying, “LOOK AT US WE LIKE GAYS AND HAHA FUNNY”. The artists’ other animations are actually really good, and Hazbin is just sub-par.
Shit is a strong word, but I do agree that it’s low-brow.
Oh yes, taking a handful of stereotypes and shoving them into a character who's already an asshole. Specifically Angel Dust but I can name others. Seriously, AD comes off as a narcissistic jerk at best and a sexual predator at worst, while making fun of drag culture and sex workers and perpetuating harmful stereotypes about gay men.
And also kinda sexist designs. No, not kinda, really sexist designs.
Including lgbt characters doesn't make you not anti-lgbt. Including poc characters doesn't make you not racist. It's how you handle their identity and how you write them.
I can say more if there's any questions?
i can see why this user is deleted
i can see why this user is deleted
Looking at your pfp while reading this just made my day!
I mean I don’t like the show due to my own reasonings, but I also don’t quite understand how it ‘steals from other cultures.’ Given how this user’s account no longer exists, my question will go unanswered it seems. Maybe I’m a bit too desensitized to tell but that’s all I’ll say.
i mean, if shows werent funny, then we wouldnt have dark humour
and like i know why some people dont like it but it clearly is doing something right if it hs 35 million views and is recognized by google as an American Animated Series
One question: why the hell would you drag up an ancient chat from five months ago, where the OP has already deleted their account, just to make a "joke"?
One question: why the hell would you drag up an ancient chat from five months ago, where the OP has already deleted their account, just to make a "joke"?
i heal troops and old topics
That doesn't make any sense
no we cannot agree that its shit cuz its not