forum Taking some character art requests :D (2/2)
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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As some of y’all know, I’m gonna start taking commissions soon to help pay for my new chinchillas-
However I kind of want to get a bit more experience with other things before jumping in, so if any of you would like to sacrifice volunteer your characters for experimental doodling purposes that would be greatly appreciated !

I’m wanting to draw one anime-style character, one chibi, and maybe an anthro/furry but I don’t know yet.
Oh, and at least one of them has to be male, I seriously need to learn how to draw males, I’ve drawn maybe one within the past 3 years which was an absolute fail and it’s becoming a problem, like I need knowledge if I’m going to charge people cash money for this someone help-


(If you're still open I'm happy to offer characters ^^ I have characters I could offer for any of those, but I'd probably want to pm you lol)


yeah, I'm afraid I'm closed now-
I got a couple more paid commissions from family so that kind of takes priority.
If i don't get many customers after this though I might come back here for doodle inspiration, so if you have more characters you want drawn, you can still feel free to place them here, there just isn't a guarantee I'll get to them anytime soon