forum I’ll draw you! (Free pfps)
Started by @PaperHats business

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@PaperHats business

(Are you still accepting things to draw?)

Yep! Step right in, if you’d like. I’ll probably take a couple more, but they might take a little while (:

Deleted user

*Gender: Male
*Appearance: Blue glasses, Brown eyes, 4' something. My hair is like brown-ish black and it's curly.
*Clothing style: Usually wears a white shirt with a blue hoodie. Usually wears black/blue pants. Rarely jeans.
*General Personality: Nice, quiet, secretive, sweet. With family I'm calm nice and funny. With friends I'm funny Annoying and careful.

@PaperHats business

(Just stopping in to say, those are all super cute! I love your style~)

Ah, thanks so much! It’s very new so every single thing I do with it is uncertain. But this is great practice I guess :D


(Cool, thank you!)

Gender: Female
Appearance: Chin-length wavy blonde hair. I've been told I look like a twelve-year-old. Color-changing eyes, depending upon the color of the clothes I'm wearing, super pale skin. I'm super tiny, 5'2'', which further enhances the 6th-grader look, although I'm just a few years past that XD
Clothing style: Hoodies. Always hoodies. T-shirts or long sleeve shirts with little to no patterns on them, and skinny jeans or leggings. I always wear this necklace with three rings on it.
General personality: I'm a dork. Pestering people until they attempt to kill me is what I do. I'm a huge goofball, and probably shouldn't be allowed around knives or fire. I'm very much insane, and I am the Supreme Idiot.


(These are adorable! Not sure if I want a picture, but I am interested in seeing more art. Do you have a gallery website somewhere?)

@justapettySlytherin group

Gender: Female
Appearance: Straight hair a little past my shoulders (people always compliment me on how straight it is but I kinda hate it ngl), my hair is super light blonde in summer but in winter it turns almost brown because I hate the cold and am a hermit until it's warm again, dark green eyes, lightly tanned, waaaay skinny, 6'
Clothing Style: black glasses, silver stud earrings, I always wear three rings (a blue one on my left-hand ring finger that my sister got me to always remind me sisters before misters, a silver one on my left middle finger, and a medieval-looking one on my right-hand pointer), skinny jeans and super baggie hoodies/sweatshirts always, if I wear just a shirt it's a FOB or other fandom one
General Personality: sarcastic, done with life, living basically because I have nothing left to do but fight because I'm too stubborn to give up and die (I'm actually too stubborn to give up on a lot of things, actually), and you should not get me talking about medieval things because I will go on for HOURS

@PaperHats business

(These are adorable! Not sure if I want a picture, but I am interested in seeing more art. Do you have a gallery website somewhere?)

I have an Instagram, but it doesn’t have pictures like these (my actual style is quite different). I’m glad you like these though!


(heey I need something for a different site, can I snatch one if you're still taking requests? <3)

@PaperHats business

(heey I need something for a different site, can I snatch one if you're still taking requests? <3)

Sure, though it might take a while :)

@PaperHats business

!! Quick update for everyone who wants a pfp but hasn’t received one yet:
I might be switching up the style just a bit. Only for the sake of my broken hands (not literally, just carpal tunnel). I’ll hopefully get out a bunch tomorrow, but I can’t promise they will be of the same… style? I’m thinking about doing possibly a messier line art, but it won’t be any lower quality. If you’re still interested, then great! I’ll get them up soon (:


(heey I need something for a different site, can I snatch one if you're still taking requests? <3)

Sure, though it might take a while :)

No prob, take all the time you need ^^

Gender: Agender
Appearance: Okay, we buff, but not like "I took special care to get these muscles" buff, like "I do a lot of hard work and just am really strong" buff, if that makes sense?? I'm lucky enough to actually have a very gender neutral body-type, yey. So there's that ^^ Skin it sun-tanned, and I've got this tattoo on my right shoulder in black, basically covering the whole shoulder. My hair is this: on both sides, only white-blonde. Yes to the patterns cut into the shaved sides, and yes to my hair flopping in my face just a little bit. Nothing too annoying, but it doesn't go to the side. Eyes are bright blue, anddd uhhhh I think that's it? Oh ye, I'm tall. OH YE I've got scars all over my hands and arms from wokring outdoors and gardening and building stuff and working with horses and so on. Also from letting my cats attack me.
Clothing style: Okay, these aren't my normal clothes, buuuuut I'm mixing and matching for the sake of this. Hmu with a black muscle tee cut like this ~ and it says "I deviated from the plan" on the front in white. I do wear glasses, they're frameless and big, not really round, but not square or rectangle? Like a rounded rectangle, ig. Anyways, the ear things are purple.
General personality: Cheerful, driven, hardy, I've got a lot of "dare me" energy, like if you say I can't do something, I will not eat, sleep or breathe until I've proved you wrong, ambitious, stubborn af, proud, I like to be in charge, which is good until someone else tries to be in charge, then I can be rebellious. I'm really f'in tough, probably too energetic, def anger issues in there. Pretty much always grinnin, always ready to get dirty and have fun. I'm really confident, don't care what other people think in the slightest, annnnndd sometimes I entirely crash and can't function for days, but that's what antidepressants are for. But mostly I'm tireless.

Sorry for all the links! I hope this is clear an makes any semblance of sense xD THanks for ding this, I can't wait to see! But no rush at all <3