I have been getting a strange error message recently, but only on my laptop. It's a 2015 Macbook Air, but I don't think it's my laptop? I didn't take a screenshot of the message, but it showed the computer's IP, the cloud network, and some other thing (source for Notebook I believe??) and it was saying that the website could not currently be loaded. Is anyone else having this problem?
Yeah, I've been getting this a lot too, but only today
Super weird
Yeah, it's happened twice to me today. Basically, it's saying that there's an error on the server-side of notebook. So no, it's not your laptop.
Yep, it's a problem with the company hosting our servers. They had a 15-minute outage this morning and it looks like they're experiencing the same thing again now. There's not a lot I can do about it, but I'm sure they'll have it under control soon. Sorry about that!
Edit: All should be back to normal now! Thank you for your patience!