forum Can't find Privacy Policy?
Started by @Tafkae bookAspirant

people_alt 83 followers

@Tafkae bookAspirant

Does have a privacy policy somewhere that I could look through? Specifically, I'd like to know the policy on using user-generated content as training data for the site's AI models (either current or future).

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Hey there! We have a privacy policy here (linked in the Data Vault) that probably needs updating soon to be more explicit about our place in today's AI landscape, but here's the short version:

  • takes absolutely no ownership or rights of content you upload to it (it's yours and we don't assume any right to use any of your content for any reason, including training AI models)
  • Our AI features (like document analysis and image generation) are opt-in, and even when opting in we're not using any user data to train or improve any AI models
  • We're not training any AI models of our own right now and have no plans to do so in the future

I've also written up a little bit more on the topic in Our Commitment to Ethical AI to give a bit more insight into where I see fitting into this new era of AI. If you (or anyone else) has any comments, questions, or concerns, I'm always all-ears!