forum Ideas for subtle superpowers #2
Started by @Morosis group

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@Morosis group

I'm writing a script where I need characters to have subtle abilities that could exist in our world (or aren't far from imagination). Examples of these types of powers could be eg:

  • A ability to cancel momentum. Go from running to stillness in an instant.
    • Have an incredible sense of direction. A human GPS
    • Can use any item around them for a certain task. They can see a use for every mundane object.
    • Able to tell the history of an object merely by touch. Forensic scientist?
    • Temperature control. Able to change/maintain temperature to a certain margin. Can change body temperature. Control over their thermoregulation.
    • Being able to tell what’s broken/wrong with an object. When the remote isn’t working its because the battery fitting is loose or when the computer’s lagging it’s because there are too many cookies. Can always see what’s wrong with an object

You can have more ambitious ideas for this but don't make the abilities too obvious like invisibility or super strength etc
Thanks for any help xx


I have a few ideas. Don't know if they fit exactly what you're looking for.

  • 'Gravity Control'- For better explanation, being pretty light on your feet, because you have less gravity than others. (Also could be hovering/ minimalist flight.)
  • 'Advanced Vision'- Able to see in the dark rather clearly, or able to see far off into the distance.
  • 'Excelled Intuition'- A basic feeling you get when something seems off, and you can tell something bad is about to happen. An extra warning sign, so you could say.

@Alayna group

The ultimate subtle power… being able to untangle any earbuds that have been in your pocket XD
But also having super good reflexes, and being able to read almost anyone's true emotions


The ultimate subtle power… being able to untangle any earbuds that have been in your pocket XD

Ahh, I must have super powers then!

@Morosis group

The ultimate subtle power… being able to untangle any earbuds that have been in your pocket XD
But also having super good reflexes, and being able to read almost anyone's true emotions

The ability to untangle earbuds would be divine, perhaps I can try and escalate that into an ability like being able to undo every knot no matter what…

@YukiSenoue group

The "high tech aura". You know, when you call the TI person and your computer magically fix itself? But a little bit more powerful, such as being able to fix video cards not needing to put them in the oven, or hard disks without putting them in the freezer.

Another high tech power: reading data directly from cds, dvds, HDs, pendrives, SSD, etc

@Morosis group

The "high tech aura". You know, when you call the TI person and your computer magically fix itself? But a little bit more powerful, such as being able to fix video cards not needing to put them in the oven, or hard disks without putting them in the freezer.

Another high tech power: reading data directly from cds, dvds, HDs, pendrives, SSD, etc

I believe I had a previous person conclude a similar idea a few months ago. I developed it into the ability for someone to see what's wrong with an object immediately. Eg: Why the TV remote isn't working, why the computer is lagging, why a connection to the internet is weak. It's good to see its a popular concept!
As for your other high tech power, I think reading data by establishing a physical touch would be wicked! Being able to read all the files on a memory stick by touching it, being able to watch/hear what's on a tape, CD, or DVD by touching it. A human universal media translator. Epic!

@Morosis group

Perhaps the ability to nullify abilities? I don't think it would be very conspicuous at all.

Maybe for the enemy perhaps…? A "vaccination" or "serum" which nullifies these excelled abilities.