forum What goes bump in the night? (Group rp-Closed 5/5)
Started by @AnxietyGremlin group

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@AnxietyGremlin group

"Uh, duh!" She joked back. She was so happy to be having a good time with her friends.

(I love this so much. I love how wholesome and fun this is. Such a shame we're about to take a wrecking ball to it)

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(nightfall and this all becomes living hell for these poor guys)

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(Watchu talking about, Hurricane Finley is already their fucking everything up lmao)

Finley pops up from the concrete, a weird gleam in their eyes, indicating they were about to blurt out one of their random, chaos starting lines.


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(ohh the question ive heard 1000 times)
(i would use seric as an outlet but i dont think she knows what a centaur is)

Seric blinks. "What's a centaur?"

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(Lol, it's a perfect pandemonium starter tho; I have more for later)
(How??? Isn't she from a fantasy world?)

@AnxietyGremlin group

"WHAT THE FRENCH TOAST!?" Rainnee yelled, putting her shoes back on. the group walked toward the store, shouting about centaurs being insects, and other strange things. They were having a good time. "A centaur is a person with the bottom half of a horse" she said, laughing a bit the Seric didn't know what that was

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Finley laughs, delighted at having started yet another chaotic argument.

"Oh, also, a square can be turned into a circle, but a circle can't be turned into a square. That's why the earth is round, not flat!"

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(How??? Isn't she from a fantasy world?)

(more like sci-fi apocalyptic actually lol)

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

She just shook her head as she walked into the store with them. "Centipedes have qt least four limbs on both sides. Centaurs only have two legs in each side unless you think they get down on all 6 limbs.'

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"Centipedes have a hundred legs though?" Finley asks.

"Mmmm. . . quesadilla."

@AnxietyGremlin group

"Okay." they walked around, acting a fool and having a good time while they shopped. They checked out, and began walking towards the car with a two cart's full of food. And Rainnee in one of them.

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Finley shrugs, then grabs her quesadilla and pilots Rainnee's cart with little precision, crashing several times.

@AnxietyGremlin group

"WEeeeeeeeeeee" Rainnee yelled as Finley crashed for the fourth time just on the way back to the car.
"I'm gonna die today!" she said jokingly, as Finley was crashing hard

@AnxietyGremlin group

When Finley hit an especially hard curb, Rainnee came flying out of the cart. She jumped up immediately and kept walking. "Like I said, Finley can't steer for anything"

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"Maybe it's good I'm driving, for a change." Seric said, opening the car door.

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Finley snickers, getting into the cart theirself and zooming down the parking lot to the car, screaming "NYOOOOOOOOM!" like they were a racecar.

As soon as they reach the car, they jump out of the cart and dive into the car through the front passenger side door, sliding into the driver's seat.

"I'm driving!" they call out, staring directly at Seric and smirking.

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Seric mocks an offended face, then drops it and slides into the backseat with Rainnee.

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Finley snorts.

"I won't hit anybody on accident, unlike Seric." they tease.