forum Warrior cats: The Blood Path(anyone can join)
Started by @-Ghosted-

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Batpaw followed him, looking around at the cats currently laying around camp. "What should we do while we wait?"


"Sure, I guess." Batpaw walked off to the nursery and poked his head inside. "Hey, Crescentshine."
"Hello! Have you come to meet Snowkit?" Batpaw nodded.


Snowkit eyed them warily, but Crescentshine pushed her forward gently. Even next to the pretty small apprentices, she seemed tiny.


Snowkit just meowed nervously, stepping back a bit. "Give her some space, Shade." Batpaw said to his brother. "You're probably scaring her."


Snow kept eyeing them cautiously from where she was. "I'm Bat and this is Shade, but I'm pretty sure they're changing our names a bit." Batpaw explained, not wanting them to be strangers to her.