He flexes his hand to reveal a ring rapped around his middle finger.
He flexes his hand to reveal a ring rapped around his middle finger.
"Nice. I keep mine in a box." She replies, studying the silver ring with a green pawprint emblem in the middle.
He shrugs and lowers his hand. "You'll probably have a better ring soon enough." He purrs in her ear.
Marlene blushes faintly, smiling. "We'll see, puppy."
He smirks. "Woof."
"I'm hungry." Marlene twirls away, opening the fridge with flair. "We're having champagne, too, obviously."
"Let's drink the night away, yes?" He smirks, twirling her around.
"Not too much - we still have classes tomorrow, remember?" Mar giggles.
"Uhg. School." He shakes his head.
“Not until tomorrow afternoon.” She smiles.
"Fair enough." He returns the smile.
“Mkay, how about leftover burgers?” Marlene opens the fridge. “We’re kind of understocked at the moment.”
He hums. "Burgers sound great." He walks up behind her and hugs her around the middle, kissing her cheek.
“You’ll have to stop if you even want me to heat up the burgers!” Marlene laughs.
"mmm… Never." He replies, hugging her happily.
Marlene sighs, giggling, and gets back to work heating up the burgers.
He smiles, still clinging to her.
“You’re never going to let go, are you?” Elise giggles, sliding the burgers onto plates.
"Mmm… Never." He purrs in reply.
“You can’t eat anything like that,” She responds, setting the table.
"You can feed me over your shoulder." He purrs, nuzzling her shoulder.
"That's never going to work. Sit in a chair, puppy." She giggled.
"Mmm… Only if you sit on my lap." he mutters, nuzzling the other.
"Fine." Marlene pulled out a chair.
He smiles and sits down, tilting his head cutely.
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