@Eli-the-transboi group
"Well I've been here for five years," She watched the cloud angel and the way Kai swayed side to side.
She glanced up to the doorway of the newcomer's 'room'. No exiting activity yet; no more shouting and cursing, not much noise at all. Interesting. Either he's settling in or having a silent breakdown or staring into space contemplating life.
(do y'all mind if I pop in there? Arae has been there for like ever and she would remember"
(yea go ahead)
"Huh. It felt like a year or two to me.. Say, Yui, how long have we been here?" Yui checks in her journal before replying. "Almost 3 years now."
(;-; hey guys so- just a thing here. I wanted at least a paragraph so this rp doesn’t die. From now on, can we maybe get back to our actual plot? Sorry about this. This interaction is very cute and you can keep it going, but just contribute to the plot. Sorry guys. I don’t mean to be pushy T^T)
(It's fine! I was just tossing something in so my turn'll be over.)
(made mine a little longer)
(Thanks guys- sorry T^T)
(I’ll just wait until I get a reply from Azzy and then I’ll get back to the turns.)
Arae turned to Moss "Welcome to life, bro. No telling how long you'll be here, so it's smart to make the most of it." She said, turning a large, ornate key in her hand. "Know if you can do anything interesting yet?" She got up and paced a bit, just a habit of hers. Cody stood silently in the darkness, his handsome features resting in a menacing glare. Not necessarily at Moss, but more in his direction.
Arae looked at Cody, looked back at Moss, and spoke again. "Don't worry about him though. He has an RBF"
Kaidei overheard the conversation from where he was with Juniper, but he chose not to interfere or leave her side. He blew his cloud angel in the direction with a little note requesting to know what was happening. He liked staying updated about everything happening in this place. He continued to sit with Juniper while he waited for a reply from someone.
Moss looks up. “Do something- interesting? Oh- ohhh yeah. I can read people pretty well. Like a book. But it takes a bit. I usually can pick up on like…ah…damn come on stupid-“ He thinks for a while, then shakes his head. “I can pick up on what people are thinking. Like their…intentions! God!” He laughs. “Sorry- my brain was thinking of it but my mouth just decided to forget- sorry bout that.” He grins as he looks over at Cody. “Oh it’s fine. I get it.” he smiles softly at Cody and waves. “I’m friendly. Just so you know. But I get that you probably are paranoid. It happens.” he shrugs and looks back at his phone. After a moment, he turns it off. “Need to conserve my battery. I hate it when my phone dies.”
Moss flops down onto a nearby chair, sighing heavily. “Well…mind showing me around?”
In that moment, a man with a metal mask and hard, green eyes walks over, watching the kids talk. He had been there the longest. And it showed. His sunken eyes and large scar across his face emphasized his age. People guessed he was in his mid 30s to early 40s, but he never confirmed. In fact, the man never spoke in general. He’d only write in broken English to communicate. He obviously understood English, but his writing attempted to prove otherwise.
His name was Sergei. At least…that’s what he called himself when asked a name. Sergei stood at exactly 6 ft and the poor man had to practically limbo in order to get through the doors. Though, he never seemed bothered by it. He was never seen hitting his head on the lights or doorways. He simply navigated the underground with ease. Obviously, Sergei had been here the longest. Moss took notice of the man and tilted his head. “Who’s that guy?”
(Woaoaaaaaaa hot person-)
(ok im not the only one who thought that…)
(damn…that hair…💥)
(is it my turn? ive got nothing to say though.)
(Thanks! And its ok to skip if you want)
(yea, ill skip this turn)
"Oh- That's Sergei. He doesn't talk much." She smiled. "He's been here forever" Arae skipped over to Sergei
"Heyyyyyyy! Wanna help me show the new guy around?" She twirled in a circle around Sergei and motioned toward Moss.
(sorry, I don't got much right now. Can someone else hop in?)
(I gotcha)
Kaidei heard 'new guy' and quickly hopped up and ran to where the group was, wanting to make a new friend. "New person?! New friend?" He spoke with pure joy and excitement, shaking his sketchbook and jumping in place. "Wanna make cloud pals with me? Draw? Make plushies?! Overthrow the wo-" Yui quickly came and covered Kai's mouth before he could finish speaking.
Sergei looks down at Arae and gently pats her head, nodding. His movements were slow and sluggish as usual, but his eyes kept a dangerous and determined glint. Yet, out of anything, he seemed to have a parental aura around him. Like a protective dad trying to keep his kids safe at all times. Moss immediately took notice and smiled softly at the man. “Well…he seems ni-“ he was cut off by someone talking.
Moss blinked and looked at Kai, then laughed and smiles. “I’ll overthrow the government if you want. It sounds fun.” He walks over, offering a hand to shake. “I’m Moss.” He looked over at Sergei, who had moved over to Kai to give him a stern look. He then gently ruffled Kai’s hair and sat down to watch the interaction. Well…Moss already knew it was more of supervising and not just watching, but he didn’t pay no mind.
Kai happily shook Moss's hand and made a happy squeak at his response. "Yay! Overthrowing the government! My name's Kaidei, nice to meet you, Moss!" Kai was ecstatic. He offered Moss a little cloud heart to show he really wanted to be friends. "Wanna wander around and make some plans to take over?" Kaidei continues to hold Moss's hand as he asks about planning the demise of government officials and police officers.
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