@Le0_ language
(I'm fine w/ paragraphs during the RP, but for now, because I'm busy with school work I missed this afternoon, I most likely won't rewrite it till I'm finished.)
(I'm fine w/ paragraphs during the RP, but for now, because I'm busy with school work I missed this afternoon, I most likely won't rewrite it till I'm finished.)
(Ah ok. 👍)
(Just make sure to put effort into it. If you’re not up for it just let me know.)
(Thanks for understanding, Eli ^^)
here she is
literally made her as I went along
I loveeee!
I loveeee!
I have lots of characters who speak up or don't care what others think to the point of taking too much, so I wanted to try one that's quiet.
she's the one who will be sitting in the corner, so quiet and still you will forget she's there, her eyes watching everything you do and analyzing your body to see what you aren't saying. she won't compliment or insult, just say simple things until its time to lay out a plan or something then its like X-Files theme
(In all honesty, I feel like Kaidei would just sit with Juniper while making little cloud hearts or drawing out things he might think the police and government officials might be doing.)
(XD yes- ok! Anyone who posts first will go first. We’ll do a turn thing.)
(Currently braindead cuz of I-ready math so can't sry)
(It’s ok)
(so, question: is the underground that Moss is in a chamber, or, like, a tunnel of sorts?)
(Kinda. Think a survival bunker, but HUGE. Like a military base underground.)
(okay, noted, thank you. Btw, when i say "The Goddess" I'm referring to the Daoist goddess Chang'e, and "The Dao" refers to the Universe or 'supreme god'. She's a daoist, and will bring up her faith casually )
(Anyone ready to start?)
Arae had been walking around casually. With Cody asleep, she had free reign to do whatever she wanted. And right now, she wanted to explore. She was 16 for the Goddess's sake! Cody had been chafing on her majorly. She heard the signature yelling and cursing, followed by the slamming of the 'vault', followed by more yelling and cursing. New person. She meandered nearer to the sounds and saw a boy. Young-looking, and fuming. He looked interesting though. She breathed a quiet sigh, a sort of mental preparation that she did before creating an illusion.
Soon enough, she had whipped up a pretty interesting test. A person, short, blonde, apparently sexless, and clad in black. She sent them on their way, in front of the boy who seemed rather violent. Her idea was to test how he would react to learn there are people here. A habit she had picked up from the ever-distrusting Cody that she used as a safety precaution. When she made humans, she could project her voice through them, and that's what she planned to do should the boy want to talk.
The person walked directly up to him, not with Arae's usually preppy demeanor, but with curiosity. "There's no signal for anything down here. We have wifi to an extent, but anything used to contact the outside world is blocked. Google included." Arae stood a good distance from them, sharing her knowledge of the underground
Kaidei, a 14-year-old boy, heard the 'vault' from a distance as he was drawing the American government officials pointing and yelling at each other. He seemed pretty unbothered with being here for what seemed like an eternity to him. Yui was reading a variety of horror, fiction, and biology books whilst occasionally peeking in on what Kai was up to. Kaidei was making drawing after drawing, sketch after sketch, using as little paper and as many art resources as he could. When Yui came to check if he was ok, she also attempted to wrestle him to get his hair brushed out. Kai would fight and struggle as he continued to draw.
(o ye I tinkered around with Juniper a little. not much, just a few little things.)
(im imagining the underground prison thing looking like underground tunnels, with rooms and chambers. some parts or more technological, some are just bare dirt and stone. there are several bed-chambers, but none of them are specifically assigned to anybody- they can choose their rooms. plsssss I need descriptions or corrections of what im imagining.)
(Yep! You’re basically right- it also has a pretty high ceiling and several different places for activity. It’s ethical and kinda like a prison mixed with the outside world. There’s cells for the more aggressive prisoners and the rest can roam free.)
(ye its like (in my mind) a labyrinth of mixed-media tunnels general stuff)
(thanks for clearing that up!)
(^^ you’re welcome! Sorry I didn’t explain further- ;-;)
(ok imma put juniper's starter in.)
(for some reason I really want her to fall in love with someone😭)
(Oooo well we may do that :D)
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