forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
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Deleted user

Cyrus yelped a bit, his bruised wing being moved by Corbin. Though when keigo came in he seen Cyrus try and move his wing. He didn’t say anything until he got more info that Cyrus had hurt himself.


"Cy?" Corbin looked up, moving back to where he was and sitting up a bit to look up at Cyrus. "Are you okay? What happened? Did I hurt you?" He asked worriedly.

Deleted user

“ I’m fine. “ he said softly, Cyrus pulled Corbin back on him.

Deleted user

“…” he looked away and sighed “ i fucked my wing up playing volleyball, it twisted in the net..”


Corbin looked worried and started carefully looking over Cyrus' wing. "Is it bad? Does it hurt badly?" He asked softly.

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Cyrus flinched when Corbin touched it. “ y..yeah! Please stop..” he whined


"Sorry! Sorry… I-I just wanted to see what part of it was hurt… should we go to the doctor?" He asked weakly.

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“ I’m fine. “ he said softly
Asra and keigo seemed worried. “ Cy you should get that checked out, even if it’s just by a friend or someone who knows basic medicine,” keigo said with worry


Corbin nodded in agreement. "If you've really hurt it and don't get it treated, it could get worse. I wanna make sure you're okay, Cyrus…" He said softly.

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“ then I’ll go see dad in the morning.. just not going to a hospital unless I have to..” he said softly


"Cy, I don't trust your dad… I would feel better if you saw a doctor who isn't going to hurt you or anything."

Deleted user

“ I meant your dad cori..” he said and winced as he closed his wing.


"Oh… mmnh… I guess papa would probably be able to help you." Corbin sighed softly. "You'll have to be honest with him about how badly you're hurt, though."

Deleted user

“ I know..” he said softly and held Corbin closer. Keigo yawned and stood up “ we need to get going..” keigo said and reached his arms out for a hug if Corbin wanted it.


Corbin reluctantly stood up as well and looked to Keigo, hesitating. After a few seconds of considering, he faltered and accepted the hug.

Deleted user

Keigo sighed and rubbed Corbin’s back in the hug, “ I promise I’ll stay as long as you need next time but I have patrol..” he said softly


"Okay… I guess I'll see you guys soon, then." He sighed softly. "I'll have to take Cyrus to my dads' house now."


"Well, he's leaving anyway and I don't want you to let it get worse, Cy… it's best if we deal with it as soon as possible."

Deleted user

“ okay.” He said softly and got up to get his jacket. He wrapped his good wing around Corbin when they got outside