forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Cyrus planted plenty of kisses on corbins neck, nuzzling into the other.

Deleted user

Cyrus chuckled and started on breakfast with corbin in his arm. “ God your light..”

Deleted user

Cyrus sat down on the couch with corbin and handed the smaller his plate.

Deleted user

Cyrus carefully pruned his wings, wincing when he put to much pressure on his bad wing.

Deleted user

“ a little bit..” he said and closed his wing. Cyrus looked at his phone and clocked a twelve-hour alarm for his potions


"That's good… I'm glad it's helping. Hopefully you'll be all fixed up soon, yeah?" Corbin kissed Cyrus softly.

Deleted user

Cyrus nodded, kissing corbin back, taking the chance to deepen the kiss. He wrapped his arms around corbins waist.

Deleted user

“ Okay, still coming with.” he taunted and kissed corbins head.

Deleted user

“ you do realize I make money too right? Meaning you could call in a day and I can cover it,” he said


"I know, but still… I don't want you to have to support me too much." Corbin fidgeted with his hands a bit. "And I'm not sick or anything, so there's no reason I can't go in."

Deleted user

“ one, you literally never let me support you unless I give you no say so. “