forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

“ then let’s start training together, in self defense “ keigo suggested

Deleted user

“ not if they strike first, crows get the privilege to beat the fuck out of someone if they even touch them wrong “


"Oh…" Corbin sniffled a bit and gripped the fabric of Keigo's shirt. "I-I guess I could try and learn some self defense, then…"

Deleted user

" okay, just start coming to training with cyrus, ill start training you on Monday"


"Okay… I usually go with him anyway, although I just watch." Corbin kept his face hidden, still trembling a bit.

Deleted user

keigo ran his fingers through his hair "just take it easy, im here for you.."


"A little, yeah… s-sorry…" Corbin laughed weakly and sat up, rubbing at his eyes. His cheeks were a bit pink and blotchy from crying.
(I edited this picrew to look more like an older Corbin so this should be a bit more accurate to his appearance)

Deleted user

" dont be, its only natural." he said softly, he nuzzled into corbin, wrapping his wings around the smaller


Corbin sighed softly and closed his eyes, letting his wings fall limp as Keigo held him. "Mm… what are the four of us supposed to do all day?"

Deleted user

" honestly we didnt really have any plans except to take you and cyrus to do anything you wanted to do," he said softy, he continued to pet corbins hair.


Corbin leaned into Keigo's hand and trilled softly. "Mm… but everybody's sleeping, so it's kinda hard to go out and do stuff."

Deleted user

"yeah, i guess i can sit here and hod you." he said with a soft smile. he loved how corbin fit in his arms, wings and all. keigo brushed a few fingers through his wings, noting how soft they were


Corbin's wings fluttered when Keigo touched them and he hid his face again, relaxing into the touch. "Mm… I feel so tiny with you guys. You're all so tall. How tall are you, anyway?"

Deleted user

keigo laughed a bit " becuase were more of predator birds. " he said " cyrus is actually the second smallest soldier. even with his class hes still small"


"H-Huh? But he's like… over six feet tall or something!" Corbin seemed pretty surprised, and confused as well. "How tall are you and Asra, then?"

Deleted user

" im 5'8 " asra piped up " and i'm the only one six foot cori, or as far as i know.. never seen Cyrus's height actually measured" keigo said solemnly


"I'm like… 5'5 or something…" Corbin flushed a bit. "Cyrus seems so tall next to me. I was sure he was at least 6'0. I don't weigh much either, so it's easy to toss me around." He laughed weakly.

Deleted user

" well i'm sure we wont, or at least try not to. " asra said
cyrus had started to wake up " mmm.. what are we talking about?" he asked softly


Corbin looked over when Cyrus woke up. "Hm? Oh, Cy, how tall are you?" He asked curiously. "That's pretty much what we're talking about."