forum “ there's nothing left to say now.”
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

" yeah, im fine, just been pretty hard to sleep." he said softly

Deleted user

" that was a little uncontrolled, you really needed that sleep."

Deleted user

“ yeah, but that wasn’t tiredness, that was being exhausted.” He said with a soft laugh and pulled Corbin a bit closer


Corbin fidgeted nervously with his hands. "I-I guess so… I was pretty tired after volleyball. I'm not exactly very athletic."

Deleted user

“ I noticed, ya why i said something about going out instead of playing.” He said warmly


Corbin laughed weakly. "It's kinda weird being the only one who can't do stuff like that… you guys are all so strong and fit and stuff. I'm pretty weak and I get tired easily…"

Deleted user

Keigo nodded “ some of us are just bred like that, nothing we can do about it, except if we slowly train you to our level.” He said


"That would take a long time, though, and I don't really have any need to be as strong as you guys… I'm just a dumb little crow, after all. I'm supposed to be protected or whatever…" He sighed.

Deleted user

“ Corbin your not a dumb little crow. Your smart and beautiful and kind. Just from spending the time I have with you I’ve gotten to know you more then what Cyrus has told me. And even if you couldn’t fly very well or hold him up you still flew to catch Cyrus when he froze with fear. Your not as bad as you think you are, wether you need your protection or not we’ll all still step to the plate and get our asses beat just to prove a point to you cori” he said


Corbin fidgeted with his wings and looked away. "I just feel… useless. I'm just a weak person who needs protecting. I can't do anything right, a-and… I dunno…" He closed his eyes, drawing in a wavering breath. "Sorry…"

Deleted user

“ don’t be sorry, let It out. “ he said softly “ and I don’t think your useless, your helping Cyrus right now, and you helped him through being sick for the first time in eight fucking years. “ he said and rubbed Cyrus’s back softly. Cyrus stirred a bit and clung tighter to Corbin, trilling softly.


"B-But… Cyrus doesn't need me the way I need him…" Corbin hiccuped and rubbed at his eyes with one fist. "I-I'm sure he could deal with being sick on his own, but… b-but if people bother me in public and Cyrus isn't there, t-there's nothing I can really do…"

Deleted user

“..” keigo sighed, pulling Corbin close, “ I know, it’s hard being a crow, but you’ll grow on your own. Everything will get easier, and I promise you me, asra or Cyrus won’t let anything happen or anyone get to you.”


Corbin buried his face in Keigo's shoulder, trembling a bit. "I-I know, I just… it's gotten worse recently… it's like I'm destined to get harassed if Cyrus isn't around, y-you know? I'm tired of it…"