forum The Power In Music (OPEN)
Started by @ShadeStar

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(Just so everyone knows these are the pairs for when we do the whole superhero thing.)
(Olive : Luna)
(Sparrow : Isobel : Tyson Until we get an eighth person.)
(Sola : Zarvan)


Sola looked to Ollie and lightly hit her sister's arm keeping in mind how hard it took to accidentally hurt someone, "Come on, I'm sure it's great Ollie!"


Ollie sighed. “If I get to wear it,” she grumbled, glancing at Zarvan. She pretended to get upset when he disproved of her outfits, but she secretly appreciated him.


Sparrow got off her bike and ran a hand through her hair. She grabbed her guitar case and her bag before walking towards the house. She loved going to band practice but today she wanted nothing more than to lounge around. Because she was going out, Sparrow decided to wear a simple outfit consisting of a light blue off the shoulder top that had black ruffles across the top, a pair of black jeans and some simple blue sneakers. She decided against wearing a hat and instead had a cute blue headband.

She walked inside and threw her hands in the air, announcing her arrival in a very posh, very fake British accent. "Sparrow has arrived darlings." She said then laughed. "What's up?"


Tyson pulled up in front of Solar and Lunas place and parked along the curb. He shoved his drumsticks into his back pocket and walked into the garage. He was usually the last one there no matter how hard he tried to be on time.


Luna looked tot he garage door to see Tyson walk in. She gave him a wave and then clapped, "Great! We're all here. Places everyone."

Sola rolled her eyes as her twin called out and put her guitar back on, "Come on Luns, we were just socializing."

"We got school tomorrow remember?" Luna reminded Sola, "Not something we can just shrug off and run late into practice for."

Sola let out a slight boo, "Boo, your no fun."

Lun slightly glared and wopped her sister's head, "I don't want you to fail your classes. Otherwise, we could definitely run late."


Ollie smirked at the twins’ argument as she got into position, standing in the front and center with the microphone. She turned and flashed the twins a cheeky grin. “If you’re so worried about running late, why are you wasting so much time arguing?” she teased.


Luna looked over to Ollie her mouth open as she tried to come up with a counter-argument only being unable to. She turned around and walked over to her manager station, "Just play or something."


(Hey Stark, one comment. Can you please stop calling the bass a guitar? I get they have the same basic shape, but they are different and it's getting me confused when you call it the wrong name.)

@saor_illust school

Isobel managed to get the keyboard out and onto it's stand, and got to work plugging in all the wires. Turning it on, she tested out its keys, making sure it was still working.


(Names and octave range are the big differences.)

Luna rolled her eyes and gave them a cue, "Everything should be working. All you need to do is play."

Deleted user

"Don't fuck up." Zarvan called out, grabbing his sewing bag that held a costume for his online commissions. He had one he needed to finish the basic stitching on by tonight at least.