forum The assassins crown (closed giving free cookies to stalkers)
Started by @Fenrir

people_alt 42 followers


6 assassins, one throne. Who will rule them all? Kill those who defy or rule those who are worthy, that depends on you.


Name -
Age -
Assassin name (if you have one)
Appearence (links are always welcome)
Personality -
Weapon of choice(s) -
Theme song (cus every assassin needs one)


(thats a very good song! and I'm loving the characters! Imma be dude cus rn there aren't any ;D)

Name - Raziel rowens
Age - 21
Assassin name - Wolf
Appearance (links are always welcome)
Personality - Guarded and protective. Fierce when in battle
Weapon of choice(s) - double wielded swords and a bow and arrow
Theme song (cus every assassin needs one) pyro - Shinedown
Shipping? - heck yes