Cicada walked into her Dark Arts class. She had slept after lunch and ended up late for her fifth period. She quickly apologized, "Sorry I'm late."
Cicada walked into her Dark Arts class. She had slept after lunch and ended up late for her fifth period. She quickly apologized, "Sorry I'm late."
Aram walked into Dark Arts really late and slightly out of breath. He grabbed an empty seat in the middle of the class, and had a slip of paper out to prove that he had a schedule change if his teacher questioned him. He pulled a book out from under his desk and asked the person next to him where to turn.
Durbin watched as a demoness walked in, a pretty one with black, curled horns.
"Hiii." He called.
"Oh, you're just in time for next lesson." The teacher said, in the midst of writing in what looked like latin.
Cicada spotted the fallen celestial and walked over to him. She sat down near him, "Hey."
"How's it goin'." Durbin called, extending a hand.
Uriah didn't look up from his book. He was always a studious person, only because his parents made him so it became him. "What's next?" He whispered to himself again then looked up at the teacher.
(I have to go for a bit but I'll be back.)
Cicada took it shaking his hand, "Doin' good. How bout you?"
Aram looked behind him. "Oh. Uriah! Durbin! I didn't know you were in this class too. Um… what are we supposed to be doing?"
"I'm cool." Durbin said, copying the Latin notes..
He turned to Aram. "'Sup dude, we're taking notes now." He said pointing at the board.
Cicada was copying down the notes as she nodded, "That's good."
Aram nodded and pulled out his notebook. He started scrawling out what was on the board, trying to catch up with where the teacher was.
Durbin beamed all of the notes to Are an telepathically, to help him get them down.
Cicada's notes were very neat. Her writing was naturally in cursive. Like when she was taught it was a crime to be anything, but perfect.
Uriah's hand writing was messy and all over the place, but that's how he liked it, it was easier for him to understand and put it together that way. "Hello Ara-" He stopped when he noticed Katherine sitting on the other side of Durbin. He jumped out and fell out of his seat. Did they send her here to take him back? But, she was also against the marriage. That's what he thought at least.
Aram glanced back at Uriah again. "What's up?" he asked.
Cicada looked to Uriah. She knew she had recognized him this morning! Her heart almost stopped in it's place. Was he here to take her back to her parents? Marry her against her will and choice? No. No, he was against it too. That's what she had heard at least. Her head quickly went back to the teacher attempting to still her beating heart.
(I'm heading off for the night. Night guys!)
"N-Nothing, I'm good." He stood and dusted herself off and picked up his chair to sit back down. Why is she here if she wasn't going to take him back. He shook his head and continued to listen to the teacher.
Once he back in his seat, Cicada calmed down. She continued to take her notes wondering how he spotted her so quickly. She had painted over the gold on her horns that would symbolize royalty, her wings had been tied to her back, and she had cut and dyed her hair. Oh, and she changed her name. Maybe she could convince him, she wasn't who she was?
He was definitely going to have a talk with her later. He wanted to make sure, she wasn't here to take him back. The school was nice and he made a lot of friends so far, so he didn't want to leave.
Cicada was already planning on making a run to her next class. She didn't want to get caught, but already had a line of answers to the question she figured he might ask.
(Awww man
Nienna's going to be alone,
wait whats Dark Art's?)
(Where is Nienna? Amais could join Nienna!)
(Awww man
Nienna's going to be alone,
wait whats Dark Art's?)(Where is Nienna? Amais could join Nienna!)
( Yay! I haven't really put her in a class yet, but uh um, does your character do Botany?)
(Ye! :P)
( Yay! Alrightly then on with the show!)
Nienna quickly looked at the schedule and map one more time.
Botany, wing G G6. It said. Crap, I'm late, I'm sooo late. She thought to herself before doubling back to finally see the classroom. Ugh, It wass right there. She was a bit nerve wracked and annoyed, but she took a deep breath before she stepped foot into the classroom. There was lots of plants and there was even a garden……..and a lot of elves. fuck. There was also other species and such, but there was a majority of elves. Quietly, Nienna took a seat near the back which was near the garden. "Hey look, it's a mudblood." One of the elves cried out and others laugh. Nienna sighed before she turned on non filter mode on her headphones so she couldn't hear anything.
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