forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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Izuku ignored bakugo’s attitude, “ momma I’m home! Also kachan is with me!” He yelled you his mother, Izuku went back to his room. He sat down on his bed, playing on his phone. “ if you want you can watch a movie on my laptop.”he said to bakugo


Bakugo just sat on the floor, not saying a word for a minute. " 'M fine." He finally says after a bit, not looking st Izuku. "Why the hell are you so obsessed with All Might?" He asked, having seen all of the decorations about the room.

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Izuku just looked at him, he mumbled something and then went back to his laptop, he put in the password and handed it to bakugo, Izuku laid down on his bed, not really going to sleep but to just relax. His body was still in pain from overexerting himself in training and then using his quirk just hours after.izuku took a couple deep breaths as he relaxed.

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“ I wanted to make sure your safe.” Izuku was starting to feel slap happy( like being drunk from being tired) and before he could reliese just exactly what he said, his face turned a bright red ‘ oh flip’ he thought

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“ it’s not! “ Izuku sat up quickly “ I’m taking a walk, stay here!” as Izuku walked past, you could see tears in his eyes, there was no way he was telling him.

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Izuku didn’t hear him, he was already outside, “ crap, I forgot my jacket”. Izuku shivered, he had just nearly gotten to the end of his street.

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Izuku smiled slightly,” thanks, and no I never listen.” He said slipping his jacket on, Izuku sneazed “ s… sorry” he said wiping his nose

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Izuku shrugged “ just got … well, I don’t really know. I’m not good with pint up feelings” Izuku said, he looked down at the ground, before he knew it they had walked halfway round the block. Izuku had still been shivering. Izuku had been rubbing the scar on his hand, just out of it completely. He was lost in his own thought.

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“ nothing kachan, something you shouldn’t be worrying, and I have a question, they told you everything you’ve said you wanted to do, “ Izuku laughed a little “ I mean you told me to swan dive off the roof, … why didn’t you join them?”


Bakugo hesitated a moment. "I… I never actually wanted to kill you, Deku. I just wanted you to stop rubbing your damn determination in my face! 'I'm gonna be just like all might! Even without a quirk!' And… Then you fuckin' lied about not having a quirk at all. It pissed me off!"

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Izuku sighed “ I’m sorry okay! I… I … I just looked to you, like.. like, “ Izuku forced himself to say it “ you where and always have been my hero kachan! I’ve always admired you!” He said quickly looking away, a red flush coving his nose and ears.

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Izuku blushes brightly I … I .. I’m sorry!” Izuku said, Izuku tried to turn around.

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“ not exactly.. “ Izuku said. He looked bakugo in the eyes, he took bakugo’s hand off his arm, entwining his finders in between bakugo’s. ‘ where did this courage come from ‘ he thought