forum Soo... Bakudeku anyone? 0x0 (Closed Pm if interested!)(P-G 13, cussing and possibly violence!)
Started by @Yet_another_Dekulover_is_gayofc

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izuku went towatch for civilians " this place is usualy deserted " izuku said


Bakugo was about to blow Kirishima’s brains out, but he hesitated. Kirishima chuckled some. “What’s wrong, Baku-bro? All talk and no show?” This makes Bakugo growl. “No. But if I kill you, that makes me no better than you, does it?”

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izuku went back to shiggy "… how. how did you get my friend like this…"

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" i didnt expect you too." he said quetly, surprised bakugo even thought like that. " well we cant bring them in. the closet station is still to far away. they'd escape by time we got there. "

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" okay." izuku said. he pulled his mask down and the metal up. kirishima wouldn't play his emotions because no one could tell was he was feeling.

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izuku kept quiet. he looked at the road ahead, compleatly ignoring kirishima.

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"dont call me that" he said plainly, behind the mask izuku was getting mad. on the outside izuku seemed calm.

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" no, i dont like you." izuku said with out tone. his hands started to shake a little.

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izuku looked away from kirishima. he was expecting kirishima to pull something.

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Kirishima swords stung like a knife “ at one point, yes I like you. But that stoped a long time ago. You where busy becoming a hero. So I pushed my feelings off. Even when I figured out I like kachan, I still pushed them down. “ Izuku said, he checked his phone for a text from his mom.


His mom had sent multiple messages asking where he was, and if he was okay. Kirishima didn’t say anything a moment, then growled quietly. “You’re such a liar… how dare you toy with my emotions. I threw away my life as a hero for you. The least you could do is stop messing with my head.”

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“…” Izuku answered his mom saying he had stayed with bakugo and was at work now.

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“ just shut the fuck up!” Izuku was visibly shaking and his mask had fallen from the outburst. Tears where streaming down his face.