forum Self-Insert: RP with a character based off of yourself? // A random, terribly chaotic idea // CLOSED for now
Started by @Kevin-Arthur-is-Gentleman

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Mattias Arthur Scott

He goes by his first, middle, or last name; doesn't always matter to him, though generally Arthur is preferred. He doesn't like shortened versions of his first or middle name, though (I.e., Matt or Art/Artie).

18 y/o

Male; he/him


Arthur is a quiet soul when you first meet him, courteous but distant. He often seems a bit preoccupied, as if his mind is elsewhere. He is fairly intelligent and clever in some ways, slightly dense in others. In general, he can be a bit scattered or forgetful, but when it comes down to it, he has a plan for almost anything and everything. Whether it's because he's naturally inclined to think strategically, simply an overthinker who analyzes every possible way for things to go wrong, or a combination of the two, we don't know.

His quiet nature and generally kind behavior occasionally leads people to assume he is timid or a pushover; this… couldn't be more inaccurate. He is more patient than is often necessary, but he doesn't take abuse from anyone and is highly protective of the people he considers his friends. (It's worth noting that, although he does make a point to be nice to everyone, there are very few he'd dare call his friends.) He is not afraid of confrontation when it's necessary, and he will call people out when he perceives them to be in the wrong.

Though he does consider the feelings and needs of others, at the end of the day, his own morality and sense of justice is more important to him. He will do what he believes to be right, regardless of what others say to him. This works as both a negative and a positive, since he can sometimes be stubborn and set in his ways, refusing to accept a viewpoint that clashes with his own internal moral compass. He can also become annoyingly fixated on what is logical and rational, sometimes ignoring the emotions of himself and others in order to reach the most "sensible" solution. That said, he is incredibly loyal and makes a point to be honest.

He enjoys things that are usually considered aesthetically pleasing, like flowers, stars, beautiful scenery, etc.

[I'll add this.]

Approximately 5'11" tall, with a rather lanky, even wiry build. He's skinny, but more solid than he appears. He has wavy, dark golden-blond hair, generally styled in a subtle undercut-fade, though it appears a bit grown out at the moment. Fair skin. His eyes are dark blue, even grey. His facial features are soft, giving him a young, somewhat innocent appearance that is offset by a prominent burn scar running along the left side of his jaw, extending down onto his neck and shoulder and even to his left arm. He does have a little bit of facial hair, but its too blond to actually be visible most of the time since it isn't very thick. He has nimble hands with slightly crooked fingers.

He always wears a pair of thick-framed, rectangular black glasses, often on the end of his nose (he has an odd habit of peering over them like some kind of grandpa). For clothing, he often springs for darker or more neutral colors, specifically dark greys, greens, and browns. Generally, he can be seen wearing light-grey, baggy cargo pants, a pair of scuffed up black combat boots, and a black tank beneath a dark green flannel jacket. He wears a little black ring on his left hand, middle finger; it looks like some kind of punk-emo accessory, because it has three little spikes on it, but it's actually for self-defensive purposes.

Arthur carries lots of things in his pockets. A pocket knife, a set of pliers (also with its own knife), pepper-spray, and usually hand-sanitizer. He also has a pistol (which he carries open-carry).

Learning new things. Books. The night sky, specifically when stars are visible. Flowers, specifically roses, specifically red, white, or pink roses. Animals, especially cats. Sunrises/sunsets. Caffeine. Action figures. Just nerdy things in general, tbh. Self-defense/Martial Arts. All things Japan.

Unnecessarily aggressive people. People who manipulate others. Two-faced people, inauthentic people, and liars. Being put on the spot. Too many questions. Hot weather. Himself, though it fluctuates.

Honest, loyal, dependable, intelligent, clever/witty, planning/strategic, can be sort of charismatic when he wants to be (though it's odd because he's still simultaneously awkward somehow? weirdo), independent, generally doesn't care what other people think of him, determined, generally empathetic/sympathetic (but can be insensitive).

Stubborn (does what he wants in the end, honestly), easily distracted, uncomfortable in scenarios where he has no plan of action, can't lie to save his life, sometimes insensitive/annoyed by overly emotional behavior, "sometimes the end can justify the means."

Knows some martial arts, can speak some Japanese (not fluent, but he's trying), can draw, can write, actually a pretty good dancer too.

Fire, large bodies of water (the boy can't swim, okay?), flying insects.



Name- 𝐀𝐫𝐒 𝐕𝐒π₯π₯𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐚π₯
Nickname(s)- uhm none?
Age- 16
Gender/Pronouns- genderfluid, they/them
Sexuality- uhm lesbian (likes girls)
Personality- likes calming things and can be rude, but once they open up its like they're a whole new person
Backstory- They were abused by their biological mom, then moved in with their dad and stepmom, their stepmom emotionally abuses them-
Clothing- soft grunge, usually black but sometimes other, pastel colors
Inventory- (Anything they carry with them regularly?)
Likes- reading, drawing
Dislikes- loud noises
Strengths- smart and descriptive
Weaknesses- very airheaded sometimes
Skills- drawing, reading, thats about it lol
Fears- being forgotten, heights
Extra/Other- none

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Corbin Douglas

Cor, Corrie

18, though he doesn't feel like it most times

Genderfluid, he/they/she (non rotating)

Bisexual, potentially on the ace spectrum

Corbin is an oxymoron, in excess. He has a hard time talking to people and starting conversations, but he loves to gush about topics he knows about, from hyper-fixations to his past trauma to people he's just met. She's very closed off on the inside, but he makes jokes and has many people he talks to. He worries about what everyone thinks of him, but he also will say or do almost anything for any bit of attention he could get.

Corbin had a rough upbringing. His duality can be seen as something he inherited from his parents. Everything was a double standard: come to us for help with your mental health, but ignore your mental health to get your work done. Corbin raising his voice was him yelling, but when his parents did it was him misinterpreting them. It led to many problems for him in the long run, such as doubting himself in everything, especially in social interactions.

Appearance- (Please be descriptive)
Corbin is about 5'11", with dyed cornflower blue hair in an under-shave cut. His eyes are a technical hazel, often showing more as either green, grey, or blue. He has slight curves that he tries to hide with his clothes and binder, which he was only able to buy after he moved out. He's… pale. Very, very pale, with freckles that show in the summer.

Corbin's outfit is a grey short-sleeved sweater under a black leather jacket with a beaded eagle on the back. He also has deep blue bell-bottom jeans and mauve, beat-up converse on. He also has his binder and thick glasses with golden frames.

Inventory- (Anything they carry with them regularly?)
Sketchbooks. Lots of sketchbooks, and pencils, as well as other drawing essentials. He also has a stiletto knife he got from his younger brother's friend and stim toys for various undiagnosed mental illnesses, including rings and chews.

Corbin enjoys reading, but oftentimes trying to read a new book is too slow to keep up with his need for new information, and trying to read old books is hard due to his recall of the plots. So, he writes and draws as well to sustain his need for these things. He also enjoys sugar, and most animals in the feline and canine groups.

Loud, sudden noises, being alone for too long, and buzzing noises. They bother him to no end.

Corbin is highly loyal to his friends, and is oftentimes willing to get hurt to keep them safe. Also seen as an 'outside the box' thinker, but he will explain that that is just how he always thinks.

He has a hard time doing actual work due to previously mentioned mental illnesses. He often has a hard time simply being able to wake himself up in the morning. He can also fluctuate from overconfident to underconfident very easily.

Corbin went through many phases of things to hyperfocus on, including survival, sewing, baking, and various other tasks. Took some martial arts but lost all confidence in his skills after an incident in middle school. Knows very little Spanish and Japanese from self-teaching, but will not attempt to communicate in these ways.

The dark (often experiences near hallucinations and waking nightmares), spiders, and touching filth



Name- Ticket Augustus Sprout

Nickname(s)- Tic, Gus, Baby Bitch (don't ask)

Age- 16

Gender/Pronouns- Nonbinary transmasc, he/they (uses he/him more than they/them but vibes with both)

Sexuality- Ambiguously queer, will instantly fall in love with anyone who shows him any kind of affection

Personality- Really affectionate but very bad at affection. They don't know how to express affection or any other emotion most of the time, so it often comes out in the form of figuring out what a person likes and then just dumping an infinite amount of that thing on them. Or it comes in the form of insults that weren't meant to be as hurtful as they end up being. Full of self-hatred, he likes to cover up his mental illness by being extra loud and laughing too hard in public. Always afraid. Especially terrible at friendship. Hates himself when he can't make people laugh. Hopeless romantic. His only confidence comes from being pretty

Backstory- Severely mentally ill parents who unintentionally emotionally scarred their kids. A mild amount of trauma. Started going to therapy in high school to process and work on their mental health, and things started to get better after that. They don't talk about it much; it's never really relevant and they always feel like they come across as whiney.

Appearance- 5'5"-ish, a few inches taller because he always wears platforms. It doesn't matter whether they're practical. He likes them. Short, curly, bleached blond hair that's fading into brown at the roots. He has a heart-shaped face and green eyes that always manage to look sarcastic. Very expressive eyebrows as well, which is once again great for being sarcastic. He has general earlobe piercings, and always wears an ear cuff cause he thinks it's cool. He's of pretty average build, not really standing out in any way, and when he stands he only ever puts his weight on one of his legs, so he's always leaning to one side.

Clothing- Ripped mom jeans (no, they didn't rip them, they've just fallen a lot and their jeans are old), a band tee for a band he probably doesn't listen to, platform boots, and a heavy, army green coat. Always wearing octagonal sunglasses. He feels too visible without them. Also he's covered in bandaids, they're everywhere. He's a dumbass.

Inventory- Lip balm (no matter where he is he always manages to have lip balm with him), pocket knife, backpack that he uses to carry whatever he thinks is cool or useful, his bike (extremely useful and worth dragging around when he's not riding it)

Likes- Making people happy, doing stupid things, the rain, riding their bike, makeup, music, witty banter, feeling clean

Dislikes- Cowardice, himself, being too hot, excercise, yelling, large animals, too much noise, the list goes on

Strengths- Quick wit, speedy and flexible, able to climb almost anything, good at acting

Weaknesses- Where to begin. Can't use a can opener. No upper body strength whatsoever. Extremely easily manipulated; never knows what to look out for. Isolates himself when his head gets too loud. Cries a lot. Cannot run for more than two (2) minutes bc cardio SUCKS

Skills- Lying, hiding, climbing

Fears- Bees, whales, dogs, abandonment, guns

Extra/Other- He's fucking anemic and every time he stands up he gets extremely dizzy and loses vision for like at least 10 seconds. Always good to have someone nearby in case he completely blacks out.

@Jules_ group

Name- Cassandra Willow

Nickname(s)- Cass, Cassie (prefers just Cassandra for people who she isn't close to)

Age- 16

Gender/Pronouns- She/ her

Sexuality- Straight

Personality- ISFP-T, ambivert. A bit of a hopeless romantic, but she won't pursue her own (prefers watching from the sidelines or making up scenarios in her head). Has a bit of a quick temper, although she feels bad after snapping at someone. Once she gets to know someone she will open up to them, but it can take a bit to feel comfortable around someone she just met. She is pretty awkward and often lets people talk over her if she doesn't know where to jump into a conversation. Her moral code is very strong, and she doesn't like going against her personal rules even if it isn't necessarily optimal. She doesn't like confrontation, but she'll take part if it's needed.

Backstory- Raised in a family who strives for success, so it can be a bit hard to keep up with their expectations sometimes. However, her parents really do wish the best for her and her siblings, even if it doesn't always come across that way.

Appearance- (5'5")

Clothing- Likes to wear anything comfortable or moveable, or whatever doesn't make her feel like a slob.

Inventory- Usually has some sort of sweater (likes to roll the sleeves) and a sketchbook, and she usually has a hair tie on her wrist for if needed. She just recently has started carrying around a pocket knife, which has proven to be pretty useful during several scenarios.

Likes- Nice smells, cats, music, art, warmth

Dislikes- Loud people, spicy foods, heat/ cold weather (such a wimp lol), lies, horror, people telling her what to do

Strengths/ Skills- Pretty strong, is basically fluent in Spanish with a little Swedish/ Japanese (not enough to communicate), is pretty determined, and can usually focus when needed.

Weaknesses- Often distracted, easily overwhelmed, doesn't have much physical stamina, and tends to get sidetracked.

Fears- Fear of the dark (not of the dark itself, but what could possibly be in it), trypophobia (more disgust rather than fear), spiders, fire, and fear of commitment.

Extra/Other- Left-handed

Deleted user

I’m going to have to drop out of this because I won’t be able to keep up sorry.

@Jules_ group

(aye I hope I don't come across as pushy, just checking if we're still doing this. I totally understand if it needs to be canceled or if it needs to happen later!)