She came around the couch, leaning over him. "What is it? What am I getting myself into?"
She came around the couch, leaning over him. "What is it? What am I getting myself into?"
"This is the part where we cuddle and I talk to you because I love you," Ryan spread his arms out for a hug.
Belle sighed dramatically and laid down in his arms, snuggling her face into his neck.
"I don't think I have the words to describe how much," Lillian responded. She gave him a soft and almost sad look. "But it was a lot."
"Oh no… do you have any idea what I could do to make it up to you?"
"Well, you have to do a lot of things first of all, but maybe you can start by cuddling with me?"
Darren nodded. He picked her up by the thighs so her legs would wrap around him, carried her up the stairs and dropped her on the bed. "Your wish is my command I suppose,"
Belle sighed dramatically and laid down in his arms, snuggling her face into his neck.
"When Cooper died, I didn't think it affect you," Ryan was genuinely confused.
"Well, even if we've had a rocky history, he was still my first love. He was one of the only friends I had growing up and is tied to a lot of the few happy memories I have as a kid. Of course I'm going to be upset if he dies."
"I just didn't think…" Ryan sighed, "Am I the only one who doesn't like that guy?"
"No, probably not. I mean, he constantly bothers you because of his own stupid things that he's done and you get defensive and jealous because he's trying to steal your wife."
"It's not even his fault, he has that stupid sire bond thing or whatever but he would give his life for your happiness and that's more than respectable. He just… I don't know,"
"It's just that he wants that happiness to come from himself and not you. Still, I'm not going to let his petty actions tear us apart." Not any more than they already have, at least.
Ryan sat up a little, "He would rather die than see you unhappy, I'm not sure you understood the gravity of the situation. He backed off, he tried to kill himself so we could be together. I guess I'm just overprotective but he does care,"
"I know he cares and honestly, it's kind of comforting. But I love you. And that's all that really matters, doesn't it?"
Darren nodded. He picked her up by the thighs so her legs would wrap around him, carried her up the stairs and dropped her on the bed. "Your wish is my command I suppose,"
Lillian held onto Darren do exactly that before she was dropped onto the bed. She reached up and pulled him down next to her, "I mean it doesn't have to be."
"What is the supposed to mean," Darren submitted to being pulled on the bed and just laid there.
"I know he cares and honestly, it's kind of comforting. But I love you. And that's all that really matters, doesn't it?"
(para bailar la bamba)
Ryan groaned a little, "I suppose so… hey… How do you feel?"
"It means you can say no if you want to," Lillian told him even though she knew she probably didn't need to say that. But maybe she did? Who knows.
"We both know that's not true," Darren looked over at her.
"I know," Lillian pulled him closer to her as best she could, "But I wanted to say it anyways."
"Why is our life so dramatic?" Darren huffed. "it's exhausting,"
"I have no idea," Lillian let out a long sigh while mentally cursing out her creator, "Hopefully we can get this whole thing over with and have some peace for once."
"I don't think that's gonna happen," Darren sat up a little, "Think about it, every story needs conflict, otherwise it's just living and then our writers get bored."
"God our lives fucking suck," Lillian groaned falling fully back onto the bed.
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