"I would, yes. Thank you for the offer,"
Bal sighed, "I am not nearly as incompetent as you think,"
"I would, yes. Thank you for the offer,"
Bal sighed, "I am not nearly as incompetent as you think,"
(I'm gonna "go to bed" not to sleep but I have to get up tomorrow)
(I gotta try at least lol)
(What's the thing you're most passionate about?)
(Yes, yes you do that.)
(Me? Probably computers and shit. I love the whole behind the scenes how each program works and trying to mentally map it out. It's why I'm a Com Sci major.)
(Are you a crazy hacker who like… is watching me through my camera and triangulating my location?)
Lillian put the sword away and moved over to Shaxx. She definitely felt more comfortable playing medic than guard, "Yes, and you heard the injured man. He wants me to patch him up."
(I wouldn't mind, you would see a tired boy watching Bones on a 50 in)
(Do I know how to theoretically do that? Yes. Do I know the code to do that? Hell no. Your safe for now Bones boy.)
Shaxx relaxed when Bal backed away. They had a habit of picking on each other at the wrong times. His chest was bleeding profusely. A stab wound that had missed his heart. He got lucky but he still risked bleeding out.
(I fear you)
Lillian took one look at the wound and went to grab the bit of cloth that Bal had taken off. She applied pressure to the wind using the cloth to keep her hands from getting bloody while she looked for something better to actually patch him up with. Bandages would be nice.
(You should. >:D)
"Fine but only because I can't do dishes one handed," He reluctantly handed his daughter to Belle.
Belle took Delilah with a roll of her eyes. "Good to know you're willing to see reason."
"I'm capable of rationality," Ryan scrubbed the dishes as fast as he could. He just wanted it done.
Lillian took one look at the wound and went to grab the bit of cloth that Bal had taken off. She applied pressure to the wound using the cloth to keep her hands from getting bloody while she looked for something better to actually patch him up with. Bandages would be nice.
Bal took a black gauze like pad out of his backpack. "Would this help?"
"Yes, thank you," Lillian reached out and grabbed the gauze from Bal before turning back to Shaxx.
Shaxx lowered his voice so Balthazar couldn't hear, "Am I going to die?" He looked Lillian directly in the eyes, he rarely showed humans that kind of respect.
"I'm capable of rationality," Ryan scrubbed the dishes as fast as he could. He just wanted it done.
"Well, you do those dishes. And do them right or I'll make you do it again."
"Belle, I'm a master dishes washer. I have this domestic house husband things down,"
Lillian looked right back at Shaxx. She then return to her work taking off the bloody cloth and going to unravel the gauze. Her voice was quiet but determined, "Not if I have anything to say about it. Now, can you sit up, not a whole lot, just enough that I can wrap the gauze around your torso."
"Belle, I'm a master dishes washer. I have this domestic house husband things down,"
Belle gave him a look that's screamed 'I think you're full of shit right now'. "Mhm. We'll see about that." She took her kids upstairs, continuing on with her routine.
Ryan finished the job quickly as well as drying them and putting them away. Maybe he could avoid chores if he didn't go find Belle.
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