Ember looked up and snickered at Mabel's behavior. It reminded her of her brother and herself. "Hey you ugly lookin' guitar pick! Yeah me down here," Ember's bow was drawn taunt, the arrow pointed at Bill's one giant eye "This is like my off week so…could you not before I shatter your china lookin' self."
"Trying to figure out what's happening to my home." She snapped.
"Ugh, why do you care so much about it?" She scoffed, rolling her eyes.
Mercury held back a snarl. "Because," She took a deep breath. "It's so full of life and peace, when bozos like you don't try to destroy it."
Bill growled when Mabel called him a Floating Dorito. “Well, Well, Well. If it isn’t the Pine Twins. How many years has it been? 5? 8?” He looked at Mabel and sighed. “I’m offended Shooting Star. Doritos are food, not powerful beings like me!”
“It’s been 7 years, Bill.” Dipper responded, nonchalantly. Mabel, confused on why Dipper was so calm, narrowed her eyes and then proceeded to slap him. “MABEL, WHAT THE HECK‽” Mabel backed away a bit and let out a sigh. “Okay, Good, that is you. I thought Bill stole your body again or something like that.”
Cipher started laughing uncontrollably. Once he was done he wiped a imaginary tear from his one eye. He grinned and then looked at Dipper and Mabel. “It’s been so long hasn’t it, Pine Tree?” Cipher looked down at Ember and snapped his fingers, making her weapon break in half.
Ember simply reconnected the weapon and it repaired good as new "No you're right this wouldn't be the most fun thing to use." The bow and quiver vanished and in its place a hunting rifle was in her hands "Are you gonna keep ignoring me? Because I'll make sure you never forget my face if you don't put those two down safely."
Dipper raised his eyebrows and looked at Bill directly. “Seriously, couldn’t you stay dead forever? Did you really have to come back? Or, did you come back to get revenge on my family, Bill?” I honestly don’t think 7 years is enough, you isosceles demon!”
(sorry if I'm like, butting into this monologue and stuff)
Bill yawned and put Ember in the same bubble as the Pine Twins. “There, are you happy?” Bill said to Ember. He looked at Dipper as the bubble floated to his hand. “Aw, is Pine Tree mad?” He laughed and then continued.
“Cause it sure looks like it. Now I wonder why and how you’re here. Lemme guess, you and Shooting Star were sucked into the Interdimensional Portal Sixer made, weren’t you?”
A grin crept up his face. “Pine Tree, Pine Tree, I never actually died. I was just stuck in that statue for a couple of years, but I got Axolotl to get me out of that statue, giving me my physical form back.”
Ember didn't respond but her palm glowed a bit, soon glowing red hot. She looked beyond angry but wasn't stupid, so she just leaned back in the bubble, slowly building the heat in the bubble, steel looking claws slowly replaced her nails.
Mabel looked at Dipper, worried. She gulped and pressed herself onto the bubble. “You’re saying that. . you’re unstoppable?”
Dipper rolled his eyes. “Ha! Bill being unstoppable? Please, that’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard. Of course he ain’t unstoppable, even Dream Demons have weaknesses. It just happens to be we don’t know his.” He stood up and also pressed himself to the bubble. “And to answer your question, yes we did get sucked into the portal.”
Muttering was heard from Ember, her anger being turned into something useful. Don't mind her though, for what could a half breed ever do to a Dream Demon?
“Don’t even try, creature. This bubble is unbreakable.” His grin turned into a eerie smile. “I can get you back home, Pine Tree.” He closed his eye and time froze. The only people who could move where Mabel and Dipper.
As the time froze, Bill brought Mabel and Dipper to the Mindscape. Mabel and Dipper both looked around but all they saw was a replica of Gravity Falls in gray. “B-Bill, where are we‽” Dipper demanded. Dipper turned to face Mabel who now was afraid. “Y-You’re not going to kill us, are you?” Mabel asked.
Ember is left in a floating bubble. "This is fine"
The time back in the real world continued. Even though they where in the Mindscape, Bill was still holding the bubble and Dipper and Mabel bodies where still in the bubble.
“No, i brought you here so you could see how much your family missed you.” A image of Stanford and Stanly appeared. They both where arguing and crying at the same time. “This all your fault Stanford!” Stan said. “It is not!”
Another image appeared and this time it was Candy and Grenda who where in the middle of the town wearing Mabel sweaters and crying. Bill saw Mabel gasp at the sight of her best friends crying. He also saw Dipper shake his head.
“Do you see how you’ve broken and tormented them?” Bill asked them.
Ember stuck her steel looking claws into her body just a bit, just enough to draw some golden blood, ichor. With the blood covered claws she popped the bubble pretty easily, landing on her feet with a little grunt, muttering triangle related insults under her breath
Mercury held back a snarl. "Because," She took a deep breath. "It's so full of life and peace, when bozos like you don't try to destroy it."
"Yeah, yeah, very noble of you." She sighed, waving her hand dismissively.
(Why must you bully Bill. ;-;)
The twins nodded. Dipper looked at Bill with tears in his eyes. “What do you want from us, Bill?”
His eerie smile turned back to a grin. “All I want is a deal.” As he said that his right hand engulfed in blue flames. He licked his lips and smiled sweetly at the twins.
(Lick your lips and ill cut off your hips)