forum RolePlay as anyone from anything (Open!)
Started by @The_Painted_Wings groupDMs open!

people_alt 119 followers


I walk on to shore and I shake the water off of me and I turn into my normal form hmm , that was one mission done looks at my claw and crosses on amethyst's face


(So wut is he like a fuckin assasin??)

(No, he’s a overpowered character [Probably More overpowered than Bill] who came to destroy our fun.)

(No bill is more powerful then him but he has taken devils and demons down before when he made a deal with the devil)

@The_Painted_Wings groupDMs open!

(How the hell can a creature take down devils and demons.

Like, mate. They ain’t that easy to kill.)

(You know, unless they're like the minion spawns of the big baddie)

@spacebluelily language

(How the hell can a creature take down devils and demons.

Like, mate. They ain’t that easy to kill.)

(You know, unless they're like the minion spawns of the big baddie)

True, True. .)

@spacebluelily language

Bill returns with a smile on his face, which isn’t physically possible seeing that he’s a triangle with only a eye. He sat down thinking, he also knew that the introduction game was no longer being played, or maybe it was, he really wasn’t paying attention.