forum PJO/HoO RP With a Twist
Started by @Becfromthedead group

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@Becfromthedead group

"I can play the electric guitar. That's close enough. Won't kill monsters or save lives, but it sure is fun," Cira said. She had, at this point, accepted that she was hilariously different from her brothers and sisters.


"Why?" Wendi asked Riley.

"It's not really in their nature to be accpeting…" Riley muttered. "And I'm a disgrace, apparently."


Tessa smiled. "Well, it seems like all of us are pretty accepting. Maybe we should stick together, face our siblings as a collective. It might be a little easier that way." Tessa suggested.


"Honestly same," Wendi nodded, "the only sibling I have seems to have the same aesthetic thing you have going on Cira."


Tessa smiled. "Well, it seems like all of us are pretty accepting. Maybe we should stick together, face our siblings as a collective. It might be a little easier that way." Tessa suggested.

"That sounds good… but…" Riley paused. "I don't really think it would make much of a difference to my cabin mates. "
"Not that I don't want to be friends with you guys or anything…" she added hurriedly. "I just don't know how well that would work."


Oliver had just been watching the girls talk. "I'm all for rallying against my siblings," he said finally, "Mostly because they hate me,"


"The rejected misfits!" Oliver joked, dragging his hand through the air like they do in the movies when someone's getting someone else to picture something.