@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
Silently observing, she bit her lip as Tempest spoke. 'Oh, I hope this works out for him…' She wished, crossing her fingers. He deserved it, for sure. He worked hard.
Silently observing, she bit her lip as Tempest spoke. 'Oh, I hope this works out for him…' She wished, crossing her fingers. He deserved it, for sure. He worked hard.
"Oh and…" he looked to Jo "How you guys feeling about our little trip to the bar?"
There was an excited muttering going around everyone
Joanna blinked, feeling her face warm up. Was this something else, or was this meant for new years? Not sure, she walked through the crowd, over to Tempest.
He smiled over at her and waved "And speaking of Jo…"
Joanna felt her face flushed more, and she took his hand in hers'. "You did mean for New Year's right?" She asked him softly, running her thumb over his knuckles.
"Yep and I already called…aaand he said yes-"
"Definitely not after some sweet talk from me." Lexi added
"Oh dear, what on earth did you do to convince him?" She asked, rubbing her face. "Whatever it was, I bet I could have gotten it easier, without you guys sacrificing anything."
"Don't worry this'll be far worth it." Tempest assured her as he rubbed her hand back
"Tempest…" She said, in a rather strict tone. "What did you two do?" She inquired again.
"Nothing big we just have to give half what we make that night through tips back into the bar." Lexi waved it off
"But money isn't the reason we're doin' it. One we're doing it cause of you sweetie with the added bonus of publicity" Tempest told her
Sighing, she nodded. It really wasn't bad, it could've been worse. "Alright, fine, you guys win." She hummed, letting a smile rest on her lips. Standing on her toes, she pecked Tempest softly.
"Alright guys…we're golden…go home and have some fun." he chirped happily and gave Jo a little kiss back
"I didn't mean to interrupt anything." She said softly, pulling back from him.
"You didn't. We were done anyway." he told her as he booped his nose with his own, rubbing softly "You just have great timing beautiful"
She flushed once more, her pink cheeks only getting pinker. "Stop it, you're making me flush." She mumbled, covering her face with her hands.
"Alright, alright." he chuckled and held out his hand "You wanna go do something or go home?"
Joanna seemed to have struck an interest in his last sentence. "What did you have in mind?" She hummed, leaning forward just slightly.
"We could..go on another date…dinner?" he offered
"I don't want you to have to pay for anything." She said softly, pulling his arms around her.
"So…just hang out then…cause cuddling is free." He smiled and held her close to his chest
Giggling, she wrapped her arms around his waist with a smile. "Sounds like a good plan." Jo hummed.
"Let's go back to the apartment then…I gotta lock up here first." he told Joanna as he leaned in and gave her a kiss.
"Mmm, m'kay." She hummed, standing on her toes to kiss him better. "You need any help?" She offered, pulling out of the kiss.
He just took a key from his pocket along with his car key and handed over his car keys "Just warm up the car if you'd please." he responded
With her usual smile, she took the keys and nodded. "Alright babe, will do." She hummed, walking out through the door towards the car.
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