forum Ogygia//small group rp//Closed
Started by @StarkSpangledMayflower

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Cato grunted in response to Rafael. He didn't like this strange boy, Bee, very much. He had a feeling that the routine they had all fallen into since before the arrival of Victoria would now be ruined. He sighed and looked up when a distracted Victoria sat down beside him. He could see her thoughts clearly, they were what killed him the second time. Cato wanted to console her, tell her that it would be ok but the whirlwind boy started a conversation with her.

He studied them as they talked. While he may not have liked Bee, Cato could see that Victoria was having a better time adjusting to her resuscitation when talking to him. Cato watched as she talked freely with Bee, very curios about that…textbook he mentioned.


(I also apologize for disappearing, hope we can continue this)

Victoria listened silently, not really making eye contact and trying to keep her mind from wandering. This boy certainly talked a lot about things she had no idea about, but she did get the general idea.
“I suppose so… I definitely cherished those memories before I died… but they reminded me that they weren’t here with me, and I was saddened. Perhaps it’s better if I don’t remember…”
Then she remembered something else Bennet had said, and perked up a little. “Wait, your mother could write? Who taught her? And she wrote music! That sounds wonderful. I don’t any woman who could do that.” She blinked with a newfound brightness, putting a hand over her heart.


A familiar youthful figure appeared, wearing a long sleeve black dress with feathers in her hair. She also wore a necklace with obsidian and smokey quartz. The first thing Luna did was look at Yukime, she smiled filled with relief, the last time she saw her was when she was laying limp on the ground, it's good to see her alive again… Damn Nightshade. She then turned her head to observe the really odd looking new member of Ogygia. She greeted him with a kind nod and smile, but her eyes had a dark and relaxed look. Luna just stood there to see what was going on, listening in on the conversation.

Before, Luna awoke underwater again, but this time she didn't almost drown. She had to travel back to her house, entirely soaked. Not in a rush to check on everyone, Luna decided to clear out all of the old medicine and ingredients, then wrote a list of everything she needs to collect. After some time passed she figured it would be a good time to meet up with everyone.