forum Ogygia//small group rp//Closed
Started by @StarkSpangledMayflower

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(Imma be the fifth cuz that’s just the logical conclusion I came to based on what has been said so far haha)

The others had told her this would happen, but Victoria still gasped in shock when she awoke, air filling her lungs once more. She lay in the bed where she died, her body younger and somewhat healthier than when she last remembered it being. Her death was slow and sickly. One day she did not feel like eating or drinking, and thus began a long period of starving herself. As the months passed, she was soon unable to get herself out of bed. It was a half-life of sleeping and nothingness, and she was actually glad when that fever came upon her and gave her sweet release.
Now, lifting up her hand and arm and breathing heavily, her release was gone. Her lifted limb was still thin and bony as it had always been, but the signs of age were nowhere to be found. Tears pricked at her eyes. Victoria lowered her arm, lifting her head instead to look out the window.
Her poor garden… it had been neglected for so long, it was almost like a wasteland. Well, she decided, if she was going to be alive again, might as well make the most of it and make her garden alive again too. She slipped out of bed, stumbling a bit as a wave of dizziness came over her. She put her hand on the wall to balance herself. From here Cato and Yukime’s voices were faint and dream-like.
Once she stepped outside the smell of burning and smoke hit her nose, and a voice she didn’t recognize crying out a panicked stream of strange words hit her ears. Seeing that nothing was on fire except for the fire pit and… an animal hide? She turned toward the voice- voices now, and saw Rafael with a strange looking boy.
“Lord, you’ve given me life, for which I am thankful,” she prayed, though her words were a little empty, “now I ask that you give me strength.” Her voice was small and breathy from being out of use.
She moved over to them, curious about the newcomer. She gave Rafael a warm smile, or at least as warm as she could make it, then turned to the boy. “My, you poor lad. Are you alright? We can make you something to eat, if you like. What’s your name?”


(Side note: not everyone does at the same time, whoever dies just gets reset back into the base, kinda like a game)

Cato glanced over at the newcomer and saw Rafael talking to them. "Great, yet another." He sighed and walked over to them. "Welcome to Ogygia. You needn't worry about…what ever you just said, no one who comes to Ogygia, leaves again." Cato grabbed a straw hat and placed it on his head. "You will burn. I am Cato, the eldest. What year have you come from?"


Yukime decided to add to the conversation about the new person. "Looks like a very odd year, to say the least," she injected, "just look at his clothes and the strange little rectangle in his hands." She chuckled a little mockingly before returning to the conversation. "My name is Yukime Kobayashi," she added, "but obviously you must know that."


"We'll nothing is impossible, you have the wood here, it wouldn't be that hard to get something sea worthy together and leave if you know what you're doing." He commented tucking his phone in his pocket, he turned it off, he should preserve battery power, there were other functions he was sure would come in handy. His moment of panic over he took in the people around him. His panic was also driven away by the words of one of these individuals.

"Strange- my clothes?- Ya! This is my Mom's merch! I had to beg her to get this hoodie ahead of release! I'll have you know this is the coziest hoody in California!" Bennet huffed folding his arms and sitting back down crossing his legs. The lavender hoodie that had "Willow" scrawled across the back in delicate white print tied around his waist was probably the least strange thing about Bee's outfit to the Islanders. The light pink octagonal Beret, chain drop earrings and ear cuff's probably raised more questions. His lose black T shirt and light blue jeans that completed the look were inoffensive enough to an ancient gaze, "Is it because my boots have rainbows painted on the side? I know Pride month is over but they're comfy and who say's you can't wear rainbows year round?"

He ignored the other questions, to insulted by this Yukime's comment about his fashion to grace her with an answer, "Who are you people anyway."


(Not a problem, we dint have a reply order so people can respond when they are avalaible)

"Merch? Cally-four-nee-ah? Hoody? I understand none of those words. I am Cato Oliver, I come from Athens and was good friends with Aristotle. I have died too many times to tell you how old I truly am, but I was 25 when I first came onto this island." Cato walked over to the strange boy and sat on the sand, using his cape to keep the sand from burning him. "As for your statement about leaving the island by using its resources, we tried that a few times. I tried to leave when I was alone and drowned. The next couple times we tried as a group, different things happened that killed us. We gave up and are now hoping for the day that the island let's us doe in peace." Cato explained the history of their early days on the island. A depressed hush fell on the island as they, unwantingly, remembered their past.


After Yukime was done remembering the past, and the family she missed so much, she turned her attention onto the new kid.

"Kimyōna shōnen, what was that thing you put in your pants?" She kind of yelled this at him, though it was an enthusiastic yell. She had also decided that she would call the newcomer Kimyōna shōnen (strange boy in Japanese) until, and maybe even after, she discovered his name. Calling people things in Japanese was kind of a thing she liked to do and worked well when she didn't know someone's name.

(Not gonna lie, Yukime's attitude toward Bee reminds me of MID.)


(I don't have most of my art supplys with me but until I cam make a better one this is a rough sketch of Bennet that I'm adding to his character template )


Bee held his hands up in front of him in a defensive position, wincing as Yukime raised her voice, "Could we keep the yelling to a minimum please? It's called a phone I can talk to people on it, or I would be able to but it doesn't seem to work here." He lowered his hands and began taking hand fulls of sand letting it pool and slip through his fingers.

"Do any of you actually know how to build a ship? you can't just hammer a few planks of wood together and hope for the best, there's a science to it." He paused trying to calculate how old Cato would be, the math was making his already pounding head hurt, "I dunno how old you'd be somewhere in the couple thousand years though, you're like a walking primary source." Bennet ruffled through his bag pulling out a water bottle and some pain killers, downing the pills, "I certainly couldn't live back then, I'm happy with modern medicine thank you very much." He capped his water and stick it back in his bag before standing brushing the sand from his jeans.

He nodded towards the village, "Who built all this, Not to be rude but you two don't strike me as the crafty type."

@knightinadream group

"Pride month?" Rafael shook his head. "Why stop at one month? Be prideful everyday! A month is useless." His lips curled back as he stared at the new friend. Poor thing, he must have hit his head or maybe he hit it really hard. Tilting his head to the left, he looked down at the rainbow on the boots then at the earrings. What a strange person. "He must be rich…." He mumbled, nodding in agreement to what he said.

Thinking back to the past was something that always left him with mixed feelings. Half of the time he wasn't sure if he was happy or about to tear up. This time he ended up wiping his right eye before taking a deep breath.

Once he heard yelling, he jumped. A few curses managed to slip out as he was startled. Glancing over at Yukime, he chuckled. Shaking his head, he kept on laughing till having to take another breath. Suddenly his eyes widened at hearing the words "build" and "hammer".

Immediately, Rafael lifted up his hand. His face lit up. "Me, Rafael Stocia! I am the best blacksmith in all of Transylvania," He beamed. "And not to be boasting or anything, but I am pretty good at carpentry." After finishing speaking, he gave a wink then laughed again.


"Rafael built all the houses and we all helped un whatever way we could. I believe it was Victoria or Luna who helped created colour for us to decorate our walls with. And I helped build the trireme's our navy used. So I did build quite a nice boat, using water and oils with bend the wood and used some metal tacks that Rafael made to hold it together. We did manage to get out to see quite a bit, the island was the size of a mouse from that distance, but there was a whirlpool that never used to be there and we all died. If you want, we can push you off of Aura Peak to prove we aren't lying."

(Aura Peak: one of the island's most noticeable physical attribute. While the "villagers" havent explored every part of the island yet, Aura Peak was one of the first things they concuqered and built a sprtpf lookout tower and zipline to get down from their fast.)

(You guys are welcome to add your own landmarks and buildings to the island, I'll post a general map soon to kinda give you an idea of the layout)


Bennet decided he liked this Rafael, they seemed kind, and rather crafty. two things he valued in a person, the others, well they weren't the worst individuals he had met, "Ohh, No I agree be prideful every month, Pride month is just when we bring extra visibility to the LGBT community, spread awareness on issues of self right and the ability's to express yourself love who you love be who you feel you are." As Bee became more comfortable with his surroundings and as he had decided Rafael was a kind person, Bennet's voice was gaining it's usual dramatic tone back, his hands danced around him as he talked as he became more animated, "But I totally agree, Pride month should be every month, Oh my names Bennet but you can call me Bee." He walked to the nearest building and began studying the handy work.

"These are really nice, what did you use for insulation? Or I guess it probably doesn't get cold here so you wouldn't need it, still, so sturdy, and there's like next to no gapping between the boards, Did you use some sort of seal in the wood to keep it from rotting sense we're so close to the ocean, or do you just replace them? Oh and where you you get the metal is there an Iron deposit somewhere? What timeline are you from? Was Steele a thing yet? If not, have I got some new things for you to try, Oh I have a book on architecture with me and my calculator has solar batteries so I bet we could make some thing pretty cool, I might have my physics notes too. Oh I know how to make glass! They were having this glass blowing work shop and if you have a forge we could add windows!" If we could find the right metals we could make it colorful too! I told mom when I signed up for those classes that they would come in handy and looky here I was right!" The stream of words coming from his mouth became more excited and animated as the pain killers kicked in.

He paused remembering hearing Cato's description of his nice "ship" and the next issue swirled around in his brain the topic of the buildings momentarily forgotten, "Well no wonder it sunk did you bother sealing the bottom with anything? and metal tacks really? did you even build a frame? Also on that note, with your whole theory on why your even stuck here, have you ever thought maybe you're the only stuck one? If I remember right, well If Uncle Rick was telling the truth Calypso's Island only held her prisoner, the dudes she ended up liking could leave when they wanted they just couldn't come back So maybe it sank because you were on it, has anyone tried going alone? That would kinda suck for you though, why would you be getting punishment from the gods, what did you do? Oh do you have a special area designated for wood chopping or is it just where ever you feel like it?" He paused to breathe giving his company a chance to interrupt him and start answering other wise he was likely to continue until his racing mind could think of no other questions.

Bennet was dancing around the space as he talked walking waving his hands around skipping, throwing in a little spin when the words demanded a flourish, it was like watching an actor give a dramatic monologue on stage, or a dance where his mouth kept the beat his arms and feet followed.

(Sorry it's so long, once he get's started he just goes, boys got questions and a lot of them)


Cato's mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. "Is he insulting me or is he–" Cato whistled and circled his finger near his head. "I came to this island and could never leave. I called it Ogygia because it reminded me of Calypso. Who is uncle Rick? And I was a part of the Greek Navy." Cato raised his eyebrows and sniffed, looking down at the new boy, Bee, with disdain. "I built the ships with them, I know a thing or two about building ships that can float." Cato shook his head and stood up, mumbling things about how he didn't want to deal with this today, especially after he just died. "I am gone. Good day to you. I have a pool to dig." He walked back towards the main camp and into the storage shelter to get the crude shovel and pick they built on their early days.

@knightinadream group

Rafael kept watching this newcomer, who happens to go by Bee, and also glancing over to the others. When he would glimpse over, he wondered if any of them understood what Bee was saying more than him. Part of it was that some of the words sounded really odd. "LGBT?," He whispered to himself. Whatever that is. Also he mouthed some of what he heard.

It was fascinating to watch as Bee became brighter and more mobile. His lips opened so he could answer all the questions he was given, but he ended up just continuing to watch the new one walk around and talk. Never would he guess that one would have so much to say. Not to mention being able to say it all and still have enough air in one's lungs. So interesting!

"I am from 1632, and steele has been around for hundreds of years already. I have made some things out of steele in my workshop. That's where I do most of the work, except for getting iron, wood, building, and what not. I replace the wood every couple of months, and repurpose the old wood, but I thought about making bricks and just rebuilding the homed and what not," He explained. "And of course I have a forge! Why wouldn't I? You are very silly, Bee. Silly, noble, full of life, and smart. That is good."

Looking over at Cato, he laughed. The expression on his face was quite something. Rafael shook his head as his shoulders kept bouncing from chuckling. He took a deep breath afterwards. "Oh Cato, the boy isn't insulting you. He is just curious, that is all," He smiled. Holding up his hand, he waved to Cato before putting Bee on the shoulder. "You are quite the person, Bee. You fit in just perfectly."


Bee stopped the next river of words to grin at Rafael, "Thank you, I think? Now about this workshop of yours, can I see it? Do you have any current projects? He made a conscious effort to slow down his questions, seeing he had offended one person already he didn't want to offend the nice one by saying something out of line. "Sorry If I've overwhelmed you or offended anyone, once I get going it's a bit difficult to stop, I've got no filter sometimes." He ran a hand through his hair absent mindedly, "Bricks would work for a bit but it's a bit to moist of an atmosphere doing you think? When Mom was having our house built they said something about Brick not being the best by the ocean something about Freeze cry cycles? I dunno it's in the past. What if we could use stone, if there's a good spot on the Island for a quarry or something."


Victoria stood off to the side, quiet and studying the boy, Bennet. He was quite the chatter mouth and seeming to get along with some of the others quite well, aside from Cato, and so she did not wish to interrupt. Instead she stared at the sand beneath her feet, a numbness creeping into her limbs.
As the last person to arrive on the island before Bennet, this was the first time she experienced dying and resurrecting. How could this be real? Maybe it wasn’t. Maybe she was still dead, and this island was purgatory. God must be displeased with with her for lying with that soldier and not marrying him, so He placed her here. It made more sense to her than dying and resurrecting like Jesus Christ.
The others’ voices seemed distant and muffled. She started to feel lightheaded, so she followed Cato’s example and sat down in the sand. Then again, if she was dead, why was the sand so hot? Why did she feel so lightheaded, and why was the feeling of being lightheaded so real? Victoria took a deep breath and tried to regain her grip on reality.


Bennet took note of the young woman who hadn't spoken, she seemed shell shocked, the way he should look, spaced out, overwhelmed, regardless he hadn't met her yet. He wandered closer and plopped down in the sand , not to close giving her a three foot bubble, "You seem a little less used to this whole situation than the others, the old newbie I guess? What's the last thing that happened in your timeline?" He asked carefully, his voice taking on a deeper more soothing tone than the excited pitch it had before, Mom had Panic attacks and got over whelmed with memories, this was the voice she needed when she panicked. Deep and smooth nothing threatening or rough about it. "It's a shame you wont let me record that voice Beebe," She would say after wiping the last of her tears on his shirt, "You'd make one Hell of a singer."
His face fell remembering he was now stuck miles away from her on a seemingly cursed Island with strange people, and no Wifi, Or AC Oh he was going to die with out AC.


For a moment, Victoria’s mind was swimming in her own blurred thoughts. The next, Bennet’s voice broke through and Victoria flinched, completely losing her train of thought. She tried to put her focus on Bennet, slowly recalling what he spoke to her.
A confused frown crossed her face. “Oh- newbie? Ah well, I suppose I’m not very used to this. It’s first time I’ve died…” her voice trailed off as her mind drifted to her old life. That fateful afternoon. “The last thing that happened? I… what do you mean? I remember walking with him, my son… ah, but perhaps you mean- I believe His Majesty the king was hopeful to regain control of those colonies overseas… we were at war, you see. I heard a lot of things, but…” she faced Bennet. “I don’t know how much time has passed, but perhaps you know the outcome of the war.”
She asked partially because she wanted to know what happened to her loved ones. Bennet was so strange and alien, and yet he spoke as if English was his first language, just like her. Though, he had a slight accent she couldn’t place. She figured since he was dressed and talked so strangely that too much time had passed to know what happened to Judah and Charlotte, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask.


Bennet gave the young woman a reassuring smile, "Ah the late 1700's then, well the colonies unified and managed to win the war, after winning it took a couple of years to sort things out but eventually they became the United States of America, that's where I'm from The country is broken up into 50 states and the one I'm from is next to the ocean called California, way way way to the west, in what would have been Spanish territory during your time, It's been I dunno 240 years sense then? Wow if you think about it that's not to long is it considering everything that's happened, Do you know how to read? I have my text books with me, they could catch you up on current events." He realized that his question might be a bit insensitive after it left his mouth.

HIs previous hyper tine returned, "I mean- Not- I- Not to say- I- You seem like a perfectly intelligent person I just- I know some people back then never learned how because they didn't need to but they were still plenty smart you know." He quickly shut his mouth realizing his freaking out would likely make her freak out. He took a deep breath and did his best to radiate calm energy, "Sorry, sometime words just leave my mouth before my brain has time to catch up, Um do you have a name?" He internally smacked himself , Of course she had a name what a stupid question.
(Bennet is looking to adopt and be adopted)

@knightinadream group

Rafael bit his bottom lip and glanced up at the sky. He thought for a second before staring back at Bee. It was easier to call the newcomer Bee since Bennett was a new name that he would have to get used to later on.

"I can show you my workshop whenever you want to come over. No need to rush, it is not going anywhere," He chuckled. Turning his head a little, he raised his arm and pointed west. "It is over there. You can tell because usually smoke is rising up from it."

"I am just working on some spears for fishing. I know Cato would like them. I can show you how if you want to learn." Resting his finger on his lip, he went back to thinking. It was still hard to describe things in the tongue he has been using ever since he got on this island. And heaven only knows how long he has been here after all. "I suppose you are right. In my time, we would use brick and wood because it was a new style. And we could afford glass windows too! Oh well, we can get stone later."

Looking over at Victoria, he noticed that something was wrong. He stood and watched as Bee went over, talking to her. A small smile spread across his face. "La revedere prietene," He whispered before turning and walking back to his workshop.


Victoria’s eyebrows rose, and admittedly it took her a minute to process everything he said. “The colonists won? 240 years?” She glanced down at her lap. “Oh… so that means that the ones I hold dear have passed.” She closed her eyes, taking a breath. She would cry later, but not now. Now was not a good time. Judah… Charlotte… I hope you had good lives.
Glancing back at Bennet, she managed a small smile. “I am not offended, lad. Luna taught me to read some, but I don’t think I could ever comprehend your… textbooks.” The word sounded strange in her mouth. Truthfully, she didn’t have any desire to read those books anyway. Something told her they wouldn’t bring her any joy.
Then it was her turn to panic a little. She brought her fingers up to her lips, blushing slightly with embarrassment. “Oh, where are my manners? My name is Victoria.”

(Me realizing Victoria would love reading… if only she could 💀)


"Victoria, That's pretty!" Bennet grinned before taking on a more serious face, not pity but understanding could be read in his eye's, "Yeah their probably gone but their decedents are living in a much better world, If I can't figure out how to get out of here, well, You know what for my mental health I'm not going to give myself the possibility of not leaving, While I'm stuck here I'm going to miss my Mom like crazy but, I'll always have a piece of her you know? The songs she's written for me or just the thing's I remember, I'll have Mom with me all the time! I'm sure your loves ones always had a piece of you with them whether it's a scarf you left behind or well cherished memories. You'll always have a bit of them to! Like Coco! As long as you're alive and you have memories of them, they're alive too aren't they."