forum “ mission failed successfully.” ( end of the world rp)
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Deleted user

Hiro finally found a good spot to rest, doing exactly that. He looked around thinking he had spotted someone.

Deleted user

( actually he could have been the cause of all this, being as they are in a city I'm sure that their may be a research facility)

@maximus-pinpoint group

Hiro finally found a good spot to rest, doing exactly that. He looked around thinking he had spotted someone.

William, being half-cat, was very curious. The moment Hiro fell asleep, he went all the way up to his sleeping body and was standing above him. He looked at how Hiro looked and scanned his emotions, which were blurred because he was asleep.

Deleted user

Hiro still had a strong pain in his head but everything else could have been calm. The mutey slept silently.

@maximus-pinpoint group

William stood there for a while, staring at Hiro. He leaned over him, and moved his robes to see if anything was in Hiro's pockets. However, while he was doing that, he lost his footing, and fell… right on top of Hiro.

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(Sorry for the length. I tend to write long stuff. And I apparently fell behind a little bit)

Malcolm finished building an old project of his and moved back to examine it. The hamster-sized machine appeared to be a spider of sorts, with sharpened metal blades for claws, and a small propeller on its body. The spider moved around in a circle, scanning the area.

“Come along, my old friend, it’s about time I finished you. I have the perfect perch for you,”Malcolm said.

The spider machine vibrated in acknowledgment and followed him. Malcolm traveled up the three floors of the abandoned underground research facility he had found, climbing up to the building he had claimed as home.

The building had been rearranged to seem like a jewel appraiser’s store, an old job he had had while building the army that had destroyed the world. It brought a smile to his face every time he saw his custom business cards on the counter.

“Alright, three choices. The west window, which always seems to attract some hoodlum occasionally. The east window, mostly trash outside that one. Or the roof, home to a bunch of dumbass, radioactive birds,”Malcolm explained.

The spider moved over to the west window, its propeller spinning and lifting it onto a metal beam Malcolm had added above the window. Its red ‘eye’ flashed blue and it settled.

Malcolm nodded, snickering. He had figured the spider would go there.

He then stepped out onto the cracked sidewalk outside, inhaling the polluted air. Grinning a moment, he looked around at the empty street. His left eye noticed a flash of movement and heard noises nearby.

“You know what to do,”Malcolm said, seemingly to no one.

He turned around, glancing above the door as he headed inside. The old light dangling from its slot vibrated and a few bead-sized machines crawled around.

Malcolm returned inside, shutting and locking the door.

Deleted user

Hiro jumped up “ who the hell are you!?” he said to the person on top of him

@maximus-pinpoint group

William jumped off, wide-eyed. "I… I…” He did the first thing he thought of. Instantly, Hiro would still wonder why someone was on top of him, but he felt very calm and normal. “H-Hello…?”

Deleted user

“ hiro..hiro shimada” his voice was heavy with a Russian accent. “ you don't seem scared of me. Why?”

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

Malcolm pondered what he could’ve seen for a long while, then decided to be nosy. He moved over to a shelf with several small vials, grabbed one, and poured a pinch of the beads within onto his hand. The beads unraveled into little ant-shaped nanobots.

“Go spy for me,”Malcolm instructed.

They flashed blue twice, linking with his left eye, then he set the nanobots on the ground outside his door. They crawled away, heading toward the area with all the noise.

@maximus-pinpoint group

William tilted his head, and for a split second his eyes went to slits. They returned to normal, and he laughed. "Why aren't you afraid of me?" William gave Hiro fear. However, fear is a hard emotion to produce from nothing, so it would only be slight and wouldn't last long (because Hiro feels unafraid right now).

Deleted user

Hiro felt a cold rush down him and he pushed himself back from the boy. “ why are you above me “ he asked with a pissed tone, around them rocks had started to float around the boy. It was an attack waiting for the kid if he was to try and attack him.

@maximus-pinpoint group

William didn't respond and stared at the floating stones. He tried to make Hiro happy, but if he resisted, it wouldn't be very effective. "I was just… nothing. I apologize." He calmed himself. "I see you have powers as–" He stopped himself from saying 'as well'.

Deleted user

“ as what?” he asked with the still mad tone. His migraine had started to come back

Deleted user

Hero's emotions took over once again. “ your another mutey arnt ya” he said. Suddenly the rocks dropped and hiro held his head.

Deleted user

“ elemental manipulation, “ he said looking at the boy's ears. “ animal mutation?” he asked back. Hiro noticed something. Crawling up his arm “ the fuck!?”