forum Magic academy roleplay anyone? (unlimited slots)
Started by @ZephirFox8812

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"Oh." Mason looked even more confused.

Zach watched the group and almost smiled to himself. Then he frowned, thinking about who he came up here to find.

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hiro thought about something. hiro touched her forehead to his and shared her knowledge with him " get it now?"

@V01DtheFae group

(i'm sorry hiro hope you feel better soon)
Rouge grabbed Silas' hands and bolted up as high as she could and then stopped and held herself plus Silas up in the clouds and looked at the breathe-taking veiw

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hiro had pulled him up closer. for her time standed still. " …" hiro's ear twitched and she ignored the sould for a moment.

@V01DtheFae group

Rouge knew she was blushing but tried to remember last time this happened "Th-thanks not many people trust me enough to do this but it's my favorite thing"


Zach felt his heart pang as he saw the couples. He bit down on one of his fingers and whined. He felt himself start to cry. "Oh, Eth, what happened to you?"

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" ?" hiro didn't understand. " hey dont bite your nails… its bad." she smilled to make him happy.

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( i know i said it to him.) hiro sighed, she tryed to wrap her head around the wing shadow.

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out of instinc from her poeple. she grabbed masons hand. ( she basicaly didn't relise she did it)