forum β„¬β³π›Όπ‘π‘˜ β„¬π›Όβ³π˜΄π›Όπ‘š π™°π‘Ÿπ‘‘π˜΄ 𝙰𝑐𝛼π˜₯π˜¦π‘šπ‘¦ || Light Academia // Forestcore Open RP
Started by @vibesofeuphoria fastfood

people_alt 61 followers

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(same. And I think so! I think its pretty much always open)

@DancingWithMyDemons business

Name: Julia Finn
Nicknames: Jewel, Jools, Jules, Julita, Juul ,Lia
Age: 17
Gender: female
Major: Film
Wealth Status: Upper middle class
Where is this character from?: Salt Lake City, Utah
Usual Clothing: Black leggings, army green Mini jumpsuit, brown knee-high boots, and feather earrings.
Personality: Super friendly and outgoing, will be your friend almost instantly if you let her. She is extremely disorganised and won't listen or obey any direct order. Has a talent for slipping in and out of different characters and personalities. Will stand up for anyone, even if it means getting hands on.
Likes:Trees, green, skiing, chicken pot pie, big dogs, and goats.
Dislikes: Know it alls, slugs, LED lights, and cats.
Fears: the dark, not knowing what is happening, Isolation.
Mannerisms: Tilting head in thought, Raises one eyebrow, Likes to wink, and rolling a coin over her knuckles.
Backstory: Julia's dad is retired from an acting agency and started her in theatre when she was 12, he put her into different acting schools until she was 14, then she found this one and she has been saving up so that she could attend, her dad does not like this school and has not, and will not help her with any thing pertaining to it.
Open for relationships?: Absolutely!
Theme Song: Born To Be Wild - Steppenwolf

Deleted user

(Hey, been stalking this for a while wondering if I'd have the room to join with life stuff, turns out I do just not as much during the day so if you'll have me?)

@vibesofeuphoria fastfood

(Hey, been stalking this for a while wondering if I'd have the room to join with life stuff, turns out I do just not as much during the day so if you'll have me?)

(always! I'm typically active in the evening anyway haha)

Deleted user

Name: Riley Davidson
Nicknames: "Queenie" is her stage name.
Age (14-18): 17
Gender: Trans woman, she/her (not out to anyone though, so everyone uses he/him for her and if we were to be realistic your characters would too until she came out to them)
Major (Creative Writing, Art, Animation, Film, Music, Architecture): Music
Wealth Status: Relatively rich, her parents are celebrity actors who have been in several big films and she herself is a relatively well known singer in the music industry.
Where is this character from?: New York, New York, USA
Appearance: Jaw-length, curly-wavy brown hair with blonde highlights. Riley is tall, 5'11", muscular without being quite bodybuilder status, with green eyes and a dimpled smile. She doesn't really pass as feminine at all, much to her dismay, but she tries in little ways with outfit (see below). She has faint freckles, tanned skin, and plush cupid's-bow lips.
Usual Clothing: Usually very vibrant colors, with arcade-carpet polo shirts and brightly colored pants. She also wears a ton of jewelry, her ears have been pierced more times than she can count and she also has a septum piercing and snakebite piercings in her lip. Her bracelets are heavy on her wrists, all solid gold with gemstones embedded in them, Riley considers herself to be very 'expensive and expansive' with regards to her style.
Personality: Very bright, bubbly, and kind, ignores her own pain in favor of helping others with theirs. Riley is very loud, too, very much a theater kid as her parents raised her. She likes to sing and dance and learn as many instruments as she physically can, even when she doesn't have to she is an overachiever and is always trying to impress her parents.
Likes: (at least 3) Music, ferrets, and iced coffee.
Dislikes: (at least 3) Hot coffee, doing nothing and having to wait, her parents.
Fears: (at least 2) Coming out to her parents, falling in love.
Mannerisms: Very large movements, is only withdrawn and small when she is scared. Chews on her hair when nervous, and likes to dance little dances when excited like bouncing up and down and swaying back and forth.
Backstory: Riley has always been in the spotlight since she was born. She hopes the Academy will change this.
Open for relationships?: Riley is demisexual and biromantic, and is open to a relationship with a character she is close with.
Theme Song: Freaks by Surf Curse. EDIT: Also Feel Better by Penelope Scott, especially the lyrics "healthy baby girl who traded sunshine for disease" and "I wanna rip the stars to shreds"

Deleted user

(FIRST OF ALL I LOVE HER SO MUCH AND SECOND I LOVE THAT SONG!!! :') It makes me so happy when other people know my random indie music)

@vibesofeuphoria fastfood

Name: Riley Davidson
Nicknames: "Queenie" is her stage name.
Age (14-18): 17
Gender: Trans woman, she/her (not out to anyone though, so everyone uses he/him for her and if we were to be realistic your characters would too until she came out to them)
Major (Creative Writing, Art, Animation, Film, Music, Architecture): Music
Wealth Status: Relatively rich, her parents are celebrity actors who have been in several big films and she herself is a relatively well known singer in the music industry.
Where is this character from?: New York, New York, USA
Appearance: Jaw-length, curly-wavy brown hair with blonde highlights. Riley is tall, 5'11", muscular without being quite bodybuilder status, with green eyes and a dimpled smile. She doesn't really pass as feminine at all, much to her dismay, but she tries in little ways with outfit (see below). She has faint freckles, tanned skin, and plush cupid's-bow lips.
Usual Clothing: Usually very vibrant colors, with arcade-carpet polo shirts and brightly colored pants. She also wears a ton of jewelry, her ears have been pierced more times than she can count and she also has a septum piercing and snakebite piercings in her lip. Her bracelets are heavy on her wrists, all solid gold with gemstones embedded in them, Riley considers herself to be very 'expensive and expansive' with regards to her style.
Personality: Very bright, bubbly, and kind, ignores her own pain in favor of helping others with theirs. Riley is very loud, too, very much a theater kid as her parents raised her. She likes to sing and dance and learn as many instruments as she physically can, even when she doesn't have to she is an overachiever and is always trying to impress her parents.
Likes: (at least 3) Music, ferrets, and iced coffee.
Dislikes: (at least 3) Hot coffee, doing nothing and having to wait, her parents.
Fears: (at least 2) Coming out to her parents, falling in love.
Mannerisms: Very large movements, is only withdrawn and small when she is scared. Chews on her hair when nervous, and likes to dance little dances when excited like bouncing up and down and swaying back and forth.
Backstory: Riley has always been in the spotlight since she was born. She hopes the Academy will change this.
Open for relationships?: Riley is demisexual and biromantic, and is open to a relationship with a character she is close with.
Theme Song: Freaks by Surf Curse.

Is she okay? I can change anything about her as needed.

(I love her with every fragment of my being)

Deleted user

(Sorry to be such a bother, so tell me when you want me to shut up, but… I mean should we wait a few more days or get this started?)

@vibesofeuphoria fastfood

(the general consensus last vote was that we were fine with whatever, so if y'all want to start I think it's safe to say most people are ready to do so! I'll get started typing out some general setting stuff so we have something to base an opening scene off of)

Deleted user

(yalllllll this sounds so fun. will stalk. im super busy rn but could i join in the future? i have a czech ballerina character ?if dance is a major? & he could be a transfer student ?)

@vibesofeuphoria fastfood

(yalllllll this sounds so fun. will stalk. im super busy rn but could i join in the future? i have a czech ballerina character ?if dance is a major? & he could be a transfer student ?)

(Always feel free! Dance isn't currently a major but I'm still working on building up the setting so it won't be an issue to add in. We'd love to have you once you're available!)