forum Lets be pirate see how that goes (closed 3/3 ppl)
Started by @Nor_bananas

people_alt 58 followers

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" omg" neva groaned annoyed and rolled her eyes " we get it, your horny."

@emilyevewrites group

Eleanor grinned. "Of course," she purred, reluctantly releasing both girls and walking over to her small desk. "I'll be waiting here if you girls need to leave and get ready."

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neva nodded, taking the note to go and went to go change into pjs and grab her fluffy-ass blanket


Sally didn't leave since she normally fell asleep on her desk so she didn't have a blanket or anything. Only her map, a picture of Cali and a couple of clothes. But she didn't need those to sleep so she stayed in the room with Eleanor.

@emilyevewrites group

Thinking she was alone, Eleanor sighed and collapse into her chair. Her fingers reached for a drawer in her desk, but as she happened to glance up, she saw Sally still standing there and jumped. "Oh, darling, I thought you left. Don't you have anything you'd like to get?"


"Nah I don't really need anything. I normally fall asleep at my desk soo" Sally trailed off looking around the room "wow you room is. . . wow!"