Rowan nodded, Is this your first time going to Hogwarts too?
Rowan nodded, Is this your first time going to Hogwarts too?
"Yes, but my parents are both wizards," Melissa replied.
Oh, mine aren't, Rowan wrote down, Do you know what's up with the kids in green?
"They're Slytherins," Melissa replied. "It's one of the Houses that you can get Sorted into."
There are houses? Rowan looked at her quizzically.
"Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and… Gryffindor. You get Sorted when you first get there. My parents were a Gryffindor and a Ravenclaw."
Cool, Rowan wrote down, How do we get sorted?
"I think that it is a hat," Melissa replied. "My parents said that it talks to you."
That's nice? Rowan shook her head, I don't know how to respond to that.
Melissa laughed. Even her laugh was quiet.
Rowan smiled at her.
The train began to pull out of the station. Reyna headed the short distance back to her compartment. She slid open the door and shut it.
"Where is she?" Cho asked. She'd taken out her wand and was drawing shapes in the air.
"She's coming. Helping a first year with her stuff," Reyna said, sitting across from Cho, watching the station disappear.
Evelyn left Rowan with Melissa and slipped into the compartment where Cho and Reyna were. "Hello! I was helping a first-year girl with her luggage. How've you been Cho?"
"Alright," Cho said, flicking her wand once more. Her airy sketches dissolved.
Reyna grinned, which faced into a grimace. She lowered her voice to a whisper, "Did you hear about what's happening this year on staff?"
"No I didn't. Do tell!" Evelyn said, sitting down.
"Me either," Cho said, cocking her head to the side.
Reyna sighed. The sky suddenly seemed darker to her. "Snape is Headmaster now, and the Carrows are Deputy Headmaster and Deputy Headmistress," she said miserably.
(We're doing this the year of the Battle of Hogwarts, so…)
"Snape! Of all the people… Why on earth would they appoint Snape when they've got Mcgonagall!" She scratched her head. "Who're the Carrows though?"
(Lloyd's totally gonna try to join that battle tbh)
Lloyd vaguely listened to the muffled conversations in other compartments, watching the landscape pass by through the window. He hadn't changed into his robes yet, and Phos fell asleep on his lap.
"Death Eaters," Reyna said.
Cho's heart filled with dread. "We have 3 Death Eaters controlling the school?!"
"Shh! Keep your voice down. I don't think that many people know."
( Ummmmm how do I jump in?)
"We're going to have to keep an eye out for the muggle students. I bet the Crabb and Goyle blokes will try and get away with pounding the blazes out of 'em." Evelyn sat back in her seat. "Maybe Potter will start up Dumbledore's Army again and we could use that if things get bad."
Is there a reason there are four houses? Rowan asked.
(You could have Terra join Melissa and Rowan.)
(Or Lloyd. He's currently just eavesdropping lol)
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