forum I;m getting these two freaking married!
Started by @Fenrir

people_alt 46 followers


Name - Falon Grace
Age - 28
Appearence (link is fine)
Personality - a complete hot head and will tell it to you're face. Fier spirit and loves to set people off. wise for age and stays close to her friends
How you know/ met the happy couple
Gender - bi
Being (if you are not human) - hooman
Power/magic? - nope
Backstory - Has had many, many, many jobs and has always had a weird love for teacing and English. Majored in literature but hated all the rules so she dropped out. She used to be a substitute teacher
Guest or crasher? neither
Job -Officiator
Other - has a small tatoo of a heart on her wrist bone
outfit for wedding (sorry, forgot to add this) -

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(I'll make mine soon. I'm busy binge watching Doctor Who)

(Ironically enough, I too am binging the world's best TV show. The Classics. Like, I'm already up to speed with the reboot, so now I guess it's time to see if the Fourth Doctor is overrated or underrated? I'm liking the Third Doctor mostly because Roger Delgado!Master is a wonderful thing and just like Brigadier and all the good acting and ajdhfvknrxoa!sfkfjebaiaj!!! Sorry I'm geeking out a little. Still, the Eighth is and always will be my favorite.)

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(Sorry, I will get characters up, probably Saturday night)

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(Yeah, Ten is cool. Thirteen could have been better if her arc was more stable but overall I liked her character, Eleven was a floofy boi and Twelve was a loveable curmudgeon. I also liked Nine cuz he had good stories and a good character, plus cAPtaIn JaCK


(ACKKK 13 is my FAVORITE and OH MY STARS CAPTAIN JACK YESS. Nine is SO underrated. Everyone thinks he's too dark, but honestly he's just a puppy in a leather jacket. I didn't like 12 though. I liked it when he was occasionally nice, but he was a jerk half the time and just ~eh~. It was really great when he was excited about something or feeling emotional. Ehehe, yeah Eleven used to be my favorite. But honestly, I think my opinions on Eleven and Nine have switched.)

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(SO… anyone seen the classic Show? I want to rant about The Five Doctors….)

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(Oh right I forgot to tell ya'll… Felix can read minds, but only if the person trusts him)


(alright cool! Anyone else who wants to get Ina character is still allowed to but we'll be starting….does anyone wish to start? )