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forum I'm bored and I wanna rp (always open, join anytime)
Started by @ZephirFox8812

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Seb looked pained. "Come with me. There is only one computer here that works. It only has one file but it shows the creature." He walked to the door and tossed them both a bag before turning and leaving the room

@saor_illust school

"Experiments?" she glared at Sunny. "So I'm still in an experiment then. But a sicker, darker, more twisted version, then." she muttered. "Get us out of here. I want out. If there's even a slim chance I can escape, I want out."

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"Cass, YOU aren't the experiment! I'm here to get you out, BOTH of you out. Even if it kills me… Now listen, Matt tried and failed, obviously, since he is lying dead on the table. Look!" I rub the makeup off my arm to show the mark of Hades on my arm. "Believe me now!"

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"All they said was to get you guys out of here." I look at Sebastian, tearing up. "I can't fail, not after what happened to Matt."


Sebastian choked as he saw the mark. He subconsciously pulled his sleeve down further. He looked at Cassia, his eyes looked so full of pain and sadness. "At least let me show you the creatures. Then I should probably leave you." He gave no further explanation, he just left the room and waited in the hallway.

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I run to catch up with him. "Show me your arm." Sebastian pulls away and goes to continue walking. "I'm serious man, SHOW ME YOUR ARM!" I wrestle him, grab his arm and pull up the sleeve, what I see shocks me so much I lose balance and fall hard on the floor.


Sebastian pulled it back. "Happy?" he asked, his voice breaking. The marks were branded into the skin and obviously old. He quickly pulled the sleeve back down. "I didn't want to show cause then you wouldn't trust me." He started down the corridor. "I might as well show you the creatures now and leave. The Hades people will kill me on sight anyway."

@saor_illust school

"I never said I was the experiment, though I was… a long time ago. I said I was in an experiment. God, they're just sick…" but still Cassia refused to take the bag that Sebastian tossed her. however, her curiousity led her to follow him out into the hallway.

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"Hey Seb! I'm getting you out of here, I don't work for them anymore, hence why they threw me in here. They don't know what I know though! I've already seen the creatures, so go ahead.." I know I should hate him, but I don't. I'm seeking refuge with his people after all…

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"Hurry up Cass or I'm gonna leave you behind! Oh my god, you left the bag! Take mine, I don't need it, since I helped create them…"


Sebastian heard Cassia walk out and slowed a bit. "Or I could let the creature catch me, you know, make the inevitable happen sooner." He muttered to himself.

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"Sebastian! Even though the powers down you still need me to tame it! It's not going anywhere near you!" I run ahead and race to the door, my heart pounding.

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I understand the words he is screaming, Curses, I return with my own insult in the language.


"What do you mean by that?" Sebastian said, his voice suddenly cold. "And do tell us exactly what the Hades Corporation thinks is going on,"

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I double-take, "I'm not sure what you mean. I snuck my way in here to save your ass and you think I know whats going on!" I see the confusion on his face, I lift my other sleeve and rub the makeup off of it. "I'm seeking refuge with your people! So can we at least TRY and get along?" I roll my eyes and open the door to the lab. "Go find Cassia!" I slam it in his face.


Seb looked up. "Cassia?" he called. "Seems I'm the only one with sense." He muttered. "Cassia, I'm sorry, I'll tell you everything ok? Everything, I promise."

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I walk in to find the monster at my feet. I always hated these things, hence why they made me work with them. I decide it's better to let the others escape and for me to stay down here. I start writing instructions on how to escape. I feel drained and suddenly hear someone crying in the corner of the room. I call out to whoever it is, I don't get an answer. I realise it's me, then The door slams open.


"Cassia, please don't joke around." He didn't trust that Sunny. Then again, he didn't trust himself. As he reached the room they started in, he noticed something different. The body was gone. His head pulsed as he remembered. He wouldn't tell Sunny, he didn't trust her. But he started walking back trying to find Cassia.