forum Demons and Death (small group? closed) [stalkers welcome]
Started by @CaseyJ group

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@CaseyJ group

"Giving Albethore the book would set Albethore free", Devon coughed, "Al, SHUT UP! Jeez, just hand us the book, I will give it back-"
"NO you wont!"
"shut up!"

@maximus-pinpoint group

Kalos was confused. "Set Albethore free from what? The host? There is a simple solution." Kalos raised his arms out, and the world stopped. All of a sudden, Albethore was cast out of Devon, but time was frozen and the demon couldn't move or think. Devon would feel empty of the demon and was able to move and talk. "Speak. Do you want to be free of Albethore? He cannot hear, see, or process us. Your answer will be completely secret." Kalos stood in front of Devon and extended his hand to help him up. All the while, Albethore is still immobile. "We don't have much time before the spell expires. Answer."

@CaseyJ group

"uh- look, I don't want Albethore free, but he is definitely a pain, if you would just give us the book….it would be so much eaiser, because then I would be free of him but I could cont- uh…" he said after a few seconds.

Deleted user

As this all happens, Invictus and Mist prepare themselves for shadow travelling, a form of demonic teleportation that transports the user through shadows to a place of their choosing.

"Ready, Mist?" Invictus asks.

"Yes I am." she replies, and then they both focus on the place where the demonic energy surge is coming from.

They appear in an old library, and right there in front of them is a demon without a host in a solid form, and a person who is the host to a different demon. They notice something weird around the entities, and prod the distortion. They immediately disrupt the spell, causing everything within to fast-forward to the time outside of the bubble.

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

(I’m awake now)

Yahl’Mey noticed the fire beneath her cauldron flare upward. She watched it cautiously, catching images of an old library and three demons.

Her eyes narrowed in confusion and she glanced outside. Yahl’Mey then turned back to brewing, finishing this batch of potions before heading outside to find some crows. She was hoping the crows would know where the library was.