forum Dancing Under the Stars (o/o)
Started by @Vuclan-is-tired

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@TinyMagicWolf pets

Riverpaw returned the smile, then bounced in her spot when she saw Eleena coming to the table with a tray in her hands. She placed it on the table and let the group take what was theirs, then turned to Charlie and placed a small vanilla cupcake in front of her. There was a black frosting bow on top - Eleena liked to take a bit of inspiration from new customers' outfits to add to their free treats. "Hope you like it." She said, smiling.
She glanced around the bakery and at the front counter to make sure no-one else needed anything, then leaned over the back of Riverpaw's chair and casually wrapped her arms around the girl, resting her head on top. "So, are you guys going to Vibe on Wednesday?"
"Yeah!" Danielle was the first to pipe up, as usual. "It's Mike's birthday - we gotta be there."
"I-it'll be a pretty big thing, but even River and I wouldn't miss it," Marcus said. Neil nodded along, silently chewing on a sugar cookie.


(( I am so so sorry for disappearing from notebook. I was going through an absolute nightmare, but I'm better now, and I'm here. If you'd like to continue that is.))


Charlie stayed quiet as the group talked, curiously picking up the cupcake. She prayed that she wouldn't have to worry about it being to sweet, but she wouldn't doubt it. She inhaled slowly before taking a cautious bite. She hummed and smiled a bit. It was actually okay. She liked it. She happily eats the treat, her eyes shutting in content as she listens to the others talk about some sort of party. She didn't want to intrude, so she just focused on her treat.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Danielle continued to talk to Eleena and the boys about Wednesday, Riverpaw quietly chiming in now and then but mostly keeping her attention on Charlie.
"Hey, you three are performing, right?" Eleena asked, pointing around at Riverpaw, Danielle, and Marcus, and the bunny nodded. "Isabelle, too. What about you and Molly?"
"Yes, dude, guess who's catering!" Eleena grinned proudly, while Danielle cheered and fist-bumped with her. Riverpaw smiled and patted Eleena's arm. "Ohh, you've been trying to cater to a Vibe event for a while, right?"
"Yeah. We're bringing cupcakes, macarons, an icecream cake, and of course, some non-dairy options for lactose intolerant guests." She glanced at Charlie and asked, "Hey, Charlie, is it? Did I do a good job?"


Charlie felt Riverpaw's gaze on her and she smiled a little at the other. She wasn't sure what the others were talking about, but it was probably something she shouldn't inject herself into. Many people didn't like her at events since she was so intimidating, plus she didn't know how to socialize, so for the most part she was in the corner alone. Charlie glanced up and smiles a bit, setting down her half eaten cupcake. "Yeah. It's delicious. I'm sorry if I'm not scarfing my face, I'd love to, but I fear it might put me in a sugar coma." She chuckles into her hand. "I haven't had something like this in a while. You really live up to the challenge." She offers a small but kind smile. It was a rarity to see Charlie smile, or even for her to let her guard down. She was usually just so quiet or harsh towards others that it was odd to see a sight on such an intimidating person.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Eleena smiled. "Great. I'm glad you like it. There will be plenty more at…actually," she looked down at Riverpaw, "is she coming, too?"
Riverpaw glanced at Charlie, then shook her head slightly. She didn't want to lie or be selfish, but…she also didn't think she wanted her to see her perform. "Um, I-I don't think so." Danielle narrowed her eyes, tilting her head a little as Riverpaw lowered hers. "Oh, really? Because I doubt she even knows what we're talking about." She said.
"Well, maybe she does."
"So, you told her?"
Danielle leaned back and gave the youngest a skeptical look, then turned to Charlie once Riverpaw finally looked away. "Charlie, do you wanna know what this is all about?"


Charlie took a swig from her water bottle, her eyes shutting as she listened to the conversation. She wasn't sure what they were talking about, but it was most likely something she wasn't invited to. She didn't want to invite herself to something because that was just plain rude. She looks up, taking another small bite of the cupcake. "I'm not exactly sure what you guys are talking about… I don't get out much, other than the gym and school." She chuckles nervously.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

"Well, you're in luck because I'm officially inviting you to come with us on Wednesday," Danielle said, and Riverpaw suppressed her groan. "So, there's this place called Vibe that's basically a club for all the introverts and 'outcasts' to hang out, sing and dance, and talk about the things they love without fear of being judged by the 'normal people'. The four of us, plus Eleena, her girlfriend, and some more of our buddies have been going there for a couple of years now. You following along?"


Charlie listened intently as she listened. She smiled a bit, "There's a club called Vibe for people who don't fit in, where you sing and dance. You guys are going on Wednesday. Sounds like fun." She chuckles softly, her eyes shutting as she took in the information. She noticed that Riverpaw seemed embarrassed and cleared her throat. "It sounds like a lot of fun." She says quietly. "But I don't want to impose on anything. You guys just met me." She chuckles quietly.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Danielle clicked her teeth and waved her hand. "Please, sis, how do you think we four got so close? I invited them everywhere and, eventually, we became inseparable. That's how we roll."
Marcus and Riverpaw nodded and muttered their agreements, while Neil snickered. "Correction: That's how she rolls. We just roll with her."


Charlie smiled shyly, relaxing a little as she finished off her cupcake. "Even still, I don't want to impose on you guys… as well as the fact that it looks like River might not want me to join." She chuckles quietly, "But I'm sure it'll be fun." She smiled and took another drink of her water.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

"You wouldn't be imposing! Everyone is welcome, we have no problem including you, and trust me when I say it's not that she doesn't want you to go. Right?" Danielle argued, patting Riverpaw's arm to get her to say something. She fidgeted in her seat for a moment, staring at the table while Eleena rubbed her arms comfortingly.
She took a breath and nodded. "Right. I-I'd love for you to join us, but…um. I mean, w-we won't be the only people going out on the stage, but it's…" She groaned, digging her nails into her legs under the table. "I want you to come, but I don't know if I want you to see me uh, s-sing, b-but we can't just rearrange our performance because of me. So."


She blinks a few times before smiling at the other and thinking for a moment. She looks over at the other at the other and smiles a little bit. "River, I'd love to watch you sing." She says gently, a soft smile on her lips. "And if it comforts you, maybe when you perform I can leave, or just look away. As long as you're comfortable." She says softly, a sweet smile on her lips.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

Riverpaw smiled, lowering her head shyly as her friends cooed. She shushed them as her face flushed brightly, but then she peeked up at Charlie. "O-okay, okay. Will we see you on Wednesday, then? It's from six to eleven."


Charlie smiles and nods. "Alright. Do any of you guys want a ride?" She asks curiously, a sweet smile on her lips. She genuinely was a good person, but most people were scared of her and avoided her. She was just so kind once you got to know her.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

"Don't worry about it; we were gonna meet at River's place and drive with her and her sister." Neil shrugged, grabbing another cookie from their tray as Riverpaw nodded in confirmation. "We can give you the address and meet you there, though."
"I-if that works for you," Riverpaw added.


Charlie smiled and nods, "That sounds like a plan." She smiled a bit and leans back in her chair. "I don't think my dad will be back for another week, so I'm pretty much open." She chuckles and takes another swig of water. "How should I dress?" She asks curiously.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

"However you want so long as it's not too revealing," Danielle said as Riverpaw opened her phone to show Charlie the club's address. A blue-haired young lady approached the table with a smile, waving when the boys noticed her. "Hello, everyone!" She greeted in a slight Hispanic accent, gently adjusting the purple-framed glasses on her face.


Charlie nods. She didn't have anything super revealing. She didn't like revealing too much. She figured she would go with something nice but simple. She hummed and wrote down the address, nodding in thanks before looking over at the second woman. She offers a tiny smile and a wave. She knew her social battery was going to be spent by the end of the afternoon, but she was thankful to get to know some people and expand her social circle.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

The girl leaned in to kiss Eleena's cheek as she untied her pale blue apron. She tilted her head at the newcomer, asking about her. "O-oh, this is Charlie. My uh, m-my new friend. Charlie, that's Molly, Eleena's sweetheart." Riverpaw answered.
Molly started to say something, but then turned to Eleena and quietly said it in Spanish, to which the taller girl waved her hand dismissively. "Come on, now, don't worry. You know River has trust issues, but they seem to get along fine. Right?" She said, and they looked between the two. Riverpaw looked to Charlie, her blush returning slightly. "I like to think so."


Charlie was quiet, a small smile on her lips. She hummed softly as she ate, her eyes shutting in relaxation. She smiled at Molly, her eyes soft. She blinks slowly, her eyes shutting as she looked down. "Yeah… I'd consider ourselves friends." She says softly. She didn't like the fact that people spoke in other languages. She was fluent in like four… but spanish wasn't her strong suit.

@TinyMagicWolf pets

"Aww, that's sweet," Eleena said, grinning. "Anyway, Molly's got tests to study for, so I'm going to get back to work so she can go on break. It was nice meeting you, Charlie." The two of them headed back to the kitchen, waving at the group as they went.